All Wise and Knowing Father, Thank You for Your Love! You loved - TopicsExpress


All Wise and Knowing Father, Thank You for Your Love! You loved me, but not only me, You loved every person who has ever lived enough to send Your Son, to die for our sins that we all would have the choice to be saved and go to heaven with You. Herein is love, that Jesus would give of Himself that I might have eternal life. Lord, I can’t understand such love. Help me to grasp, to comprehend such love. Your love in its sweetness, its fullness, its greatness, its faithfulness, passeth all human comprehension. Master may I be moved to love You back with a commitment I’ve never mustered before. A commitment to put You first in my life, a commitment to serve You and be obedient to Your Word in all I do. A commitment to Your Church and a commitment to love others and be a servant that would bring honor to Your name. Help me die to my sin so that You will have pre-eminence in my life. Father, I ask You to touch the hearts of Your people with such a draw that we would be convicted of our sinful attitudes and actions and repent and humble ourselves before Your mighty hand. In Jesus Holy Name, Amen and Amen. Until next time, humble yourself before the mighty hand of God, In His Grip, God Bless, Bro. Anthony
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 12:43:24 +0000

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