All war is hell and you cant make an omelette without breaking - TopicsExpress


All war is hell and you cant make an omelette without breaking eggs. Ok, we know that, but Iraq is not a war. There are no opposing armies. It is an illegal invasion and occupation, but even if Iraq were a war there are certain standards and conventions of humanity that civilized countries observe. Sadly there have been far too many lapses in Iraq. The use of illegal white phosphorus in Falujah to burn civilians to the bone, the trigger-happy shoot-first-and ask-questions-later attitude of US contractors like Blackwater, massacres such as Haditha where 24 unarmed Iraqi men, women and children were killed by US marines - it all adds up to a very dirty and brutal occupation and one that was illegal in the first place and based on the lies of Cheney and others. There is little doubt that war crimes have been committed in Iraq but the responsibility for them goes all the way up the line. The troops on the ground didnt start the war. Cheney and Bush did.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 22:28:37 +0000

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