Allah swt speaks about the perfection of the Quran I am sure a lot - TopicsExpress


Allah swt speaks about the perfection of the Quran I am sure a lot of us knows the meaning of this verse Surat Al-Hijr َﻥﻮُﻈِﻓﺎَﺤَﻟ ُﻪَﻟ ﺎَّﻧِﺇَﻭ َﺮْﻛِّﺬﻟﺍ ﺎَﻨْﻟَّﺰَﻧ ُﻦْﺤَﻧ ﺎَّﻧِﺇ⁠ We are the ones who have revealed this book and we will protect it we will keep it in original pristine form No matter what people try to do to it there will always be somewhere or another that this Quran will come back Allahu akbar Now We memories the Quran we should understand If Allah swt and let listen to this statement its deep statement If Allah swt has promised that he is going to protect the Quran then if anyone of us has memorized it Allah has to protect us in order to protect the Quran in inside us That is something we must understand so the hufars (the hafiid dul Quran) they are not protecting the Quran the Quran is protecting them Allah akbar This is one thing we must understand and get it straight soo each one of us dont we All as muslims memories even a portion of the Quran I am sure everyone of us knows surah fatihah all of us knows ikhlas or all of us properly knows surah kawthar Alhamdulillah soo to a certain decree Allah has use us also to protect this Quran soo let this Allah for that soo that make intention try and memories One verse a day soo that at list through baraka of the leaning of the word of Allah swt we will be protected May Allah swt protect us All
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 11:47:11 +0000

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