Allan Bloom said in The Closing of the American Mind: The road - TopicsExpress


Allan Bloom said in The Closing of the American Mind: The road from the state of nature was very long, and nature is distant from us now. A self-sufficient, solitary being must have undergone many changes to become a needy, social one. On the way, the goal of happiness was exchanged for the pursuit of safety and comfort, the means of achieving happiness. Civil society is surely superior to a condition of scarcity and universal war. All this artifice, however, preserves a being who no longer knows what he is, who is so absorbed with existing that he has forgotten his reason for existing, who in the event of actually attaining full security and perfect comfort has no notion of what to do. We all want to secure ourselves. Once we have done that though we have a tendency to set our minds on getting a bigger house or a nicer car. Not that these things are bad in and of themselves but we loose sight of the reason we are here. Its like what the captain from Wall•E said, I dont want to survive, I want to live! We all want purpose to what we do. The worldly things are nice and they can be good but theyre not the strongest motivator. There is truth to be upheld, families to maintain, relationships to mend, and love to be given. That is what we ought to keep in mind while we sacrifice ourselves.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 05:35:41 +0000

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