Although its important to stay focused on working towards your - TopicsExpress


Although its important to stay focused on working towards your goals, make sure its an enjoyable process. The key to achieving long-term results & happiness is to create a sustainable approach with your training, nutrition & mindset. Some of the things that are unsustainable: * Starvation diets. * Restrictive eating. * Excessive cardio. * Boring & repetitive workouts. * Broscience. Usually I train alone however today I trained some arms with Nick Cheadle Fitness. Just one of the many motivated, like-minded & supportive people that make this journey that much more enjoyable. Our workout was as follows: ✅ Giant Set (4 sets): ➡️ DB Skullcrusher (10 reps) ➡️ Seated Incline DB Curls (8 reps) ➡️ Straight-Bar Tricep Pushdown (20 reps) ➡️ DB Hammer Curls (20 reps) ✅ Giant Set (4 sets): ➡️ DB French Press (12 reps) ➡️ EZ-Bar Curls (15 reps) ➡️ Rope Tricep Extension (15 reps) ➡️ Crossbody DB Hammer Curls (30 reps) That feel when your training partner makes you laugh mid-set...
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 06:44:07 +0000

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