Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1940 – October 17 2014 - TopicsExpress


Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1940 – October 17 2014 Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1940 with a release date of October 17th 2014 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a Q-S-T. Ham radio is first responder as cyclone batters India coastline; Russian over the horizon RADAR battering the 15 meter band; United Kingdom Full license class holders get temporary access to more spectrum on 2 meters; Ham radio moon orbiter to launch on October 23rd and guess what’s keeping a radio relay station in Hawaii from being repaired. Find out the details are on Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1940 coming your way right now. (Billboard Cart Here) ** RESCUE RADIO: INDIA HAMS CALLED OUT AS FIRST RESPONDERS AS CYCLONE HITS BAY OF BENGAL SHORELINE When Cyclone Hudhud swept into the Bay of Bengal coastal areas of India on Sunday, October 12th, disaster authorities had already called on radio amateurs to provide communications where they knew that other types would likely be lost. And the ham radio community was ready as we hear from Amateur Radio Newsline’s Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF: -- Before cyclone HudHud made landfall, authorities in India realized that communications could be lost in coastal areas that the storm might hit. In such a scenario, amateur radio will become the only medium for the government to coordinate relief operations and exchange critical messages between government bodies, the two states and also with New Delhi. So a few days in advance it put out a call via the Nations Institute of Amateur Radio for radio amateurs trained in rescue radio efforts to be ready if needed. As it turned out they were. Cyclone Hudhud made landfall with winds up to 125 miles per hour damaging buildings, power systems and causing a total of communication in many areas. Cellphone systems were overloaded quickly and soon failed. Media reports blame the storm for at least 20 deaths but that figure could rise. That’s where ham radio stepped in. Jayu Bhide, VU2JAU, is India’s National Coordinator for Disaster Communication. According to Bhide, at airtime there are currently six hams in the Odissa region working to maintain the communication covering the entire state. VU2JAU said that VU3UFX, VU3PLP and VU2AOR are active from the Bhuvaneshwar area. In the Sambalpur region VU2DPI is control of a network with VU2SIC and VU2PGU. These stations and others have been on air using 7 dot 140 MHz and have kept their stations open 24 hours a day. In the Andhra coastal area all communication is handled by the National Institute of Amateur Radio under control of VU2JAU from the Amateur Radio Society of India. He is reported to be monitoring emergency traffic from his home station in Gwalior. A complete damage assessment, clean-up from the storm and the return of normal lines of communications is likely to take several more days. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I’m Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF, down-under in Nelson, New Zealand. -- Another one of those times when ham radio truly was a life-saving first responder before, during and after a severe weather event. (VK3PC, Times of India, Hindustan Times) ** INTRUDER WATCH: RUSSIAN RADAR AND VOICE OF IRAN ON 21 MHZ The IARU Region 1 Monitoring System newsletter reports a Russian high power Over the Horizon radar system centered around 21 MHz recently affected the entire 15 meter band. Added to this a Russian voice scrambler nicknamed Yakhta has been transmitting daily on 21 dot zero MHz on USB voice encryption that also contains a Frequency Shift Keyed synchro signal with a 100 baud rate and 150 Hz shift. That transmitters location is believed to be at Nizhny Tagil. Meantime, a spurious emission from Voice of Iran is also causing interference on 21.249 MHz. An in depth report including charts compiled by DK2OM can be found at tinyurl/k3nskk8 (IARU-R1) ** RESTRUCTURING: UK FULL CLASS HAMS TO GET TEMPORARY ACCESS TO 1 Some hams in the United Kingdom will get temporary access to an extra portion of the two meter band. This as a part of a planned long term overall restructuring of the VHF spectrum from 143 to 169 MHz. Jeremy Boot, G4NJH, has the details: -- Ofcom has published a Statement that included an intention to release 1MHz of additional spectrum to radio amateurs on the 2m band on a temporary basis. The frequencies, from 146 to 147MHz, will be available via a Notice of Variation to Full license holders only. Applications for Notices of Variations can be made via the RSGB website from the end of October. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I’m Jeremy Boot. G4NJH, in Nottingham in the UK. -- This temporary use decision came as a part of an Ofcom published a statement setting out plans for the release and re-allocation of spectrum returned to civil use by Emergency Services. Ofcom believes this band space will be of most interest to business radio users such as utility and construction companies. As such it will be made available on a first-come-first-served basis through a managed and gradual approach. This, in order to maintain maximum flexibility in the future should new demands emerge. (GB2RS) ** RESTRUCTURING: SARL DEFENDS AMATEUR UHF FREQUENCIES AT REGULATORY HEARING The South African Radio League has submitted its response to the draft plan concerning the restructuring of the 450 to 470 MHz band and other U-H-F spectrum parcels. In its reply to the national telecommunications regulatory agency, the SARL said that although the amateur service is not in this band, the problem for ham radio would arise if the intended migration of some existing users in the 450 to 470 MHz were to temporarily move into the amateur band prior to them shifting to a new frequency band once they obtain suitable equipment. The South African Radio League also pointed out that the statement that amateurs only use 1 MHz of the 430 to 440 MHz is incorrect. Rather the entire frequency block is used extensively for terrestrial and space communications. The South African Radio League also filed comments on proposed changes at 2.3 gigahertz and requested a new ham radio allocation from 3.4 to 3.410 Gigahertz. In both ITU Region 2 and Region 3, this spectrum parcel is allocated to the amateur and amateur satellite services. (SARL) ** HAM RADIO IN SPACE: 4M LXS MOON ORBITER TO LAUNCH OCTOBER 23 The 4M LXS ham radio moon mission now has a definite launch date as we hear from Amateur Radio Newsline’s Heather Embee, KB3TZD: -- The launch of China’s Change 4 mission carrying the 4M LXS moon orbiting ham radio payload is expected to take place on Wednesday, October 23rd from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. According to Chinas State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, the soon-to-fly craft is a backup probe of Change 3. This was that nation’s first moon lander and rover, which successfully touched down on Earths nearest neighbor in December 2013. But Change 4’s job is not to land but to circle the moon. More important its hoped that the capsule will return its payload safely to Earth without burning up in the atmosphere during descent to our home planet. As previously reported, the on-board amateur radio payload will transmit a JT65B signal on 145.990 MHz which can be decoded by radio amateurs here on Earth using the free WSJT software. Its builder, LuxSpace is encouraging radio amateurs around the world to receive the transmissions and send in data to it. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, Im Heater Embee, KB3TZD, in Berwick, Pennsylvania. -- Complete details on the role of amateur radio can be found beginning on page 14 at tinyurl/lux-space-moon. The file is in PDF format. Reports can also go via the missions Facebook page. (AMSAT-UK, LuxSpace, IrelandNews) ** WORLDBEAT: DOMINICA ALLOWS 60 METER OPERATION The Dominica National Telecommunications Regulator N-T-R-C has granted hams on the island nation the ability to operate on five 3 kHz-wide channels on the 5 MHz or 60 meter band. These are 5330.5, 5346.5, 5355.5, 5371.5 and 5403.5 kilohertz at 50 Watts Peak Envelope Power using only SSB. This allocation is applicable to Dominica General and Advanced licensees only. The Commonwealth of Dominica is an island nation in the Lesser Antilles region of the Caribbean Sea. It is located south-southeast of Guadeloupe and northwest of Martinique. Its also known as the Nature Isle of the Caribbean for its unspoiled natural beauty. And less we forget to mention, please note that the new Dominica 5 MHz allocation should not be confused with that of the Dominican Republic which also has a 60 meter allocation. (ECTEL, Dominica NTRC, G4MWO) ** BREAK 1 Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world including the N2XPM repeater serving the Big Apple of New York City, New York. (5 sec pause here) ** Im Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, with news that hams on both sides of the nation are on the lookout for some severe weather events. In the Caribbean and along the Eastern Seaboard the Hurricane Watch Net was activated on October 16th to follow the track of Hurricane Gonzalo which at airtime is Category 4 storm heading toward Bermuda packing sustained winds upward of 145 miles per hour. The Bermuda Weather Service issued a statement that these winds were expected to buffet the island for more than 24 hours, and seas would be rapidly building up to 35 feet on Friday October 17th. As this report is being prepared, the Hurricane Watch Net is expected to be using 14.325 MHz and 7.268 MHz. Please keep those frequencies clear of non-hurricane traffic until the emergency is declared to be over. Meantime in the Pacific, hams on the Island state of Hawaii are on alert as Tropical Storm Ana is forecast to pass as potentially as a Category 1 hurricane. According to meteorologist Dan Kottlowski, Southern parts of the Big Island and Kauai are at greatest risk of flooding from rain and tropical storm-force winds. Bob Schneider, AH6J, is the Leagues Pacific Section Manager. He was quoted in the ARRL Letter as saying that he expected to deploy Ham Aid equipment kits to several schools. The Ham Aid kits which contain both HF and VHF gear were sent to Hawaii in September as a lava flow was threatening communities on the Big Island. On Thursday, October 16th the Ana was located about 490 miles southeast of Hilo, Hawaii, and had sustained winds of 60 mph. It was moving to the west at 10 mph. A tropical storm watch was posted for the Big Island by the Central Pacific Hurricane Center. Ana is expected to reach the islands on Saturday October18th. For the Amateur Radio Newsline. I’m Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, in Los Angeles. (Bermuda Weather Service, ARRL, published news reports) ** RESCUE RADIO: FCC WAS TO DISCUSS APRIL 2014 911 OUTAGE The FCC is scheduled to hold an open meeting as this newscast goes to air on October 17th. Among the topics that were scheduled for discussion was a presentation regarding an inquiry into a major 911 service outage that affected seven states this past April. The presentation was to include findings from a report on the causes and effects of the outage The panel was also to look at recommendations on actions that the industry, state governments and the Commission can take to strengthen the reliability and resiliency of 911 services as the nation transitions to what’s being titled the Next Generation of 911. Additionally, the Commission was to consider a Notice of Inquiry to explore innovative developments in the use of spectrum above 24 GHz for mobile wireless services. It also will look into how the regulatory agency can facilitate the development and deployment of those technologies. (FCC) ** COMMUNICATIONS LAW: FCC COMPLETES REVIEW OF COMPLAINTS In an October 9th post at the FCC website, Special Counsel to the Chairman, Diane Cornell noted that the Enforcement Bureau has largely completed its review of its pending complaints, leading to almost 700 license renewals granted within the past few weeks. At the same time, the Media Bureau disposed of 55 competition rulings requests dealing with a March omnibus ruling. Simultaneously the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau has so far closed over 760 dockets with another 750 on track to be completed by years end. (All Access) ** NEW FROM THE NET: MORSE CODE KEY FOR APPLE IOS8 If you have a device running Apple’s new iOS 8 operating system, you can now add an app that will permit sending Morse code from that unit. Morse Code Telegraph Keyboard plugs directly into your iPhones keyboard and lets you send dots and dashes from right within iMessage or your favorite e-mail. The most interesting feature of the keyboard app is its relative lack of keys. It only includes the bare essentials of a J-38 looking key and a handy Morse Code alphabet and numbers guide. If you want to give it a try, Morse Code Telegraph Keyboard is available for only 99 cents at the App Store. (Business Insider) ** NEW GEAR: K9EID INTRIDUCES PRO 7 HEADSET Something new for your ears courtesy of Bob Heil, K9EID of Heil Sound. This as he introduces his new PRO 7 headset that applies some of the knowledge Bob gained from audio engineering pioneer Paul Klipsch back in the early 1970’s. The new Pro 7 earphones feature a very specialized electrical and mechanical design that uses a very specialized tuned headphone enclosure that Bob says really eliminates usual distortion while producing greater sensitivity and a gorgeous response. Also included in the design is a balanced control that’s usually absent from most headsets. On the microphone boom, you can get either a newly developed dynamic that is as articulate as the original Heil HC 5. Also available is an electret capsule for the early low level input iCOM rigs. These mic elements are interchangeable in the field. For more on the new Pro 7 headset and other of Bob’s inventive products go to heilsound slash amateur ad click on the photo of the headsets you will see at the top of the page. (Heil Sound) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: AMSAT-NA ANNOUNCES 2014 – 2015 OFFICERS Some names in the news. AMSAT North America has announced that Barry Baines WD4ASW will hold forth as the organizations president for the 2014 through 2015 operating year. Others appointed include Alan Biddle WA4SCA as the organizations secretary with Keith Baker KB1SF as Treasurer. Flight Frank Bauer, KA3HDO has been appointed as Vice President of Human Spaceeflight operations; Jerry Buxton N0JY as Vice President of Engineering; Drew Glasbrenner KO4MA as its Vice president of operations and JoAnne Maenpaa K9JKM as the Vice President of User Services. E. Mike McCardel KC8YLD will be serving as the Vice President of Educational Relations with Martha Saragovitz continuing as Manager. Positions not yet filled are Executive Vice President and Vice President of Marketing. (AMSAT News Service) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: STEVE HERMAN W7VOA DISCUSSES HIS CARREER The career of Steve Herman, W7VOA, is the subject of an interesting interview appearing in the current issue of the Overseas Press Club of America newsletter. In it, Herman, who serves as the Voice of America’s Southeast Asia bureau chief and its correspondent answers questions about his education, how he got started as a news journalist, the languages he speaks and much more. You can read the article in full at tinyurl/Steve-Herman-W7VOA. ( ** HAM HAPPENINGS: WRTC 2018 TO BE HELD IN GERMANY Tine Brajnik, S50A, who is the chairman of the next World Radiosport Team Championship Sanctioning Committee has announced that Germany has been chosen as the site of the 2018 WRTC games. Specifically the event will be hosted by an oversight organization made up of the German National Amateur Radio Society DARC, the Bavarian Contest Club and Rhein Ruhr DX Association. According to S50A, the German application was very well prepared and knowing their combined experience another outstanding competition among worlds best contesters is expected four years from now. A website has been set up to provide further details at (WRTC) ** HAM HAPPENINGS: K6H HOLLYWOOD SALUTES HAM RADIO QSL CARDS READY FOR DISTRIBIUTION According to a posting on Facebook, QSL cards for the recent K6H, Hollywood Celebrates Ham Radio operating event have arrived from the printers and forwarded to the California-based PAPA System for distribution. The event was held on September 28th and originated from the historic Stage 9 of the CBS Studio Center facility in Studio City, California. Stage 9 is currently the home of ABCs hit TV show Last Man Standing.” In the past it has been the production facility for such shows as Seinfeld and Spin City to mention only two. If you worked this special event station please QSL direct to the PAPA System address found at qrz/db/K6H. There is no other mailing address or electronic QSL service associated with this event. (Facebook, PAPA System) ** WITH NEWSLINE: ARNEWSLINE FACEBOOK PAGES SURPASSES 5000 SUBSCRIBERS We find it hard to believe but this past week the number of subscribers to Amateur Radio Newsline’s page on Facebook broke the 5000 mark and currently stands at 5026. According to the pages Chief Moderator James Pastorfield, KB7TBT, the lucky 5000th member is Davide Zirretta, IZ1WWW of Novara, Italy. If you are on Facebook but not signed up for our page there is a convenient link to it from our website at We would love to have you there. In the meantime, our sincere thanks to KB7TBT who originated the page and all the other moderators who keep it running smoothly and have made it the success that it appears to have become. (ARNewsline) ** BREAK 2 This is ham radio news for today’s radio amateur. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website at and being relayed by the volunteer services of the following radio amateur: (5 sec pause here) ** TECHNOLOGY VS. ECOLOGY: ENDANGERED TREE SNAILS STOP HPR OVER THE AIR BROADCASTS Hawaii Public Radio says its signal to parts of Kauai and Oahu will be out until further notice because of endangered tree snails. Amateur Radio Newsline’s Bruce Tennant, K6PZW reports: -- According to the broadcaster, recent storms knocked out power lines to the radio station’s relay facility at the summit of Mount Ka‘ala relay transmitters beam signals to the east and south sides of Kauai as well as to Oahu’s North Shore. A separate microwave relay also sends signals to KIPL 89.9 in Lihue. Station generators carried the signal for several days, but ran out of fuel on Sept. 30th. Normally the power company would have been able to fix the electrical line with little delay, but not this time. That’s because the location where the required repair is needed has been identified as the habitat of endangered species of tree snails that are currently in mating season. For now, listeners on Kauai and the North Shore are asked to tune in via live Internet streaming using Hawaii Public Radio free mobile app or to cable broadcasts. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, Im Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, in Los Angeles. -- At airtime there is no word when the snails mating season will end and the power line can be repaired. (VK3PC) ** EMERGING TECHNOLOGY: MORE GADGETS THAN PEOPLE You may find this next item a bit strange, but apparently its true. And depending how you look at it can be funny, scary or a little of both. Here’s WIA Newsman, Graham Kemp, VK4BB, with the details: -- For the first time ever there are more gadgets in the world than there are people, including a growing number that only communicate with other machines, according to data from digital analysts at GSMA Intelligence. The number of active mobile devices and human beings crossed over somewhere around the 7.19 billion mark. GSMAs real-time tracker put the number of mobile devices at 7.22 billion whilst the US Census Bureau says the number of people is still somewhere between 7.19 and 7.2 billion. Gadgets like tablets, smartphones and not-so-smart phones are multiplying five times faster than we are, with our population growing at a rate of about two people per second, or 1.2% annually. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I’m Graham Kemp, VK4BB, of the WIA News in Australia -- Cant help but wonder if this might not be author George Orwell’s novel 1984 on the verge of coming to pass here in 2014. (WIA News) ** RADIO FROM SPACE: NASA MAVEN ORBITER SENDS BACK INFORMATION ON SUN CME NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution or MAVEN orbiter has yet to begin its formal science mission, but it is already radioing back clear images and crucial data about the fourth planet’s upper atmosphere. The spacecraft entered orbit around Mars September 21st. Only nine days later it imaged a coronal mass ejection from the Sun’s surface. The early observations are already providing scientists with hints as to how the red planet’s atmosphere changed over time. MAVEN’s official mission will begin sometime in November, once final adjustments are made to the orbiter’s science instruments. Its long range purpose is to conduct a study of the Mars upper atmosphere to determine how it transitioned from a habitable planet to the cold and dry world it is today. Scientists think that maybe billions of years ago that a warm Mars would have been able to sustain liquid water in which microbial life could develop. An in-depth look at the overall mission can be found at tinyurl/maven-at-mars (spacereporter) ** ON THE AIR: SATELLITE EXPEDITION ENDS John, Papay, K8YSEs, satellite grid expedition trip has come to an end on October 1st, and he is now signing as K8YSE stroke 7 from Mesa, Arizona. According to Papay, he operated in 27 different grids, most of them very rare. States covered during his trip included South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Nevada and Arizona while driving over 7300 miles in 27 days. A computer controlled Icom 910H was used on the linear satellites and a Kenwood V7A was used for communications through the SO-50 FM bird. Arrow antennas were used for all contacts. QSL information is on QRZ. (OPDX) ** DX In DX, JH3PRR is reported to be on the air using the call KH8B from Pago Pago and will be there through October 27th. Activity is on 160 through 10 meters. QSL via JH3PRR preferably using Logbook of the World. By the time you hear this, N7OhU should be operating as E51NOU from Rarotonga in the South Cook Islands. He plans to be there through November 9th operating 60 through10 meters in his pare time using only CW. QSL direct via N7OhU. F6ICX will be active as 5R8IC from Saint Marie Island between November 3rd and December 12th. Operation will be holiday style on all HF bands operating mainly CW, with some SSB, RTTY, and PSK63. QSL via his home callsign as listed on QRZ. Logs will be uploaded to ClubLog and Logbook of the World. DK9PY will be operational as 6Y6N from Jamaica between November 26th and December 17th. Activity will be holiday style on the High Frequency bands using a Yaesu FT-857 into an inverted L antenna. QSL via his home callsign, direct or via the bureau. G3RWF is heading back to Southern Africa for a 5 week holiday. He will begin operation in Lesotho as 7P8NH between December 11th through the 14th. Listen for him on the higher bands on CW only. QSL via G3RWF. Lastly, CE5WQO will be active stroke CE0Z/CE5WQO from Juan Fernandez Island between November 19th through the 27th. This will be a holiday style operation using CW, SSB and the digital modes on 160 through 10 meters using. QSL via KA3LKM with two International Reply Coupons. (This weeks DX news courtesy of the Ohio-Penn DX Newsletter) ** THAT FINAL ITEM: PACIFICON CLOSES OUT THE MAJOR HAMFEST SEASON And finally, the weekend of October 10th to the 12th saw the unofficial end of the 2014 major ham radio convention season with the holding of the 2014 Pacificon Convention in Santa Clara, California. And according to Gordon West, WB6NOA, who was one of this years presenters, accolades go to the sponsors of this years event: -- WB6NOA: “What a great job that the Mt. Diablo Amateur Radio Club and other volunteers did in pulling this off. It was a three day deal on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.” -- Saturday was the big day with lots happening through out the Santa Clara Marriott Convention Center: -- WB6NOA: “On Friday afternoon as well as Saturday and half of Sunday the exhibit hall was open, and let me tell that it was a whose who in amateur radio was there in the exhibit hall. All of the majors (suppliers) were there. All of the up and coming were there and the booths were absolutely filled throughout the entire day.” -- As to attendance, so far there are no official numbers, but if the Flea Market was any indication, then the numbers had to be strong: -- WB6NOA: “I knew it was going to be big when I saw the swap-meet going on in the dead of dark on Saturday morning. Probably 2000 to 2400 and they were all with smiles.” -- WB6NOA also reports on overflow attendance at popular digital radio seminar tracks such as SDR, D-STAR, and DMR . West also says a Sunday morning Ham Radio 101 track for brand new hams was a big help to get new licensees on the air over the local BayNet repeater systems, and other local open repeaters . Perhaps the biggest surprise came with the announcement that Pacificon 2015 is moving a couple of miles away to the San Ramon Marriott in San Ramon, California. Next years dates are October 16th through the 18th. If you have a suggestion to help make next year’s event even better, let the planners know by e-mail to info (at) (ARNewsline, WB6NOA) ** NEWSCAST CLOSE With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Rain, the RSGB, the South African Radio League, the Southgate News, TwiT-TV, Australias WIA News and you our listeners, thats all from the Amateur Radio Newsline™. Our e-mail address is newsline (at) arnewsline (dot) org. More information is available at Amateur Radio Newslines™ only official website located at You can also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline™, 28197 Robin Avenue, Santa Clarita California, 91350.. For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors’ desk, I’m Skeeter Nash, N5ASH, saying 73 from my new QTH in Topeka, Kansas, and we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline™ is Copyright 2014. All rights reserved.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 13:25:14 +0000

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