Amazing fact about cancer from my sis Nabiie ... Cancer remedy - TopicsExpress


Amazing fact about cancer from my sis Nabiie ... Cancer remedy proven from hadith and elaborated by science,Subhan Allaah.. Must read the miraculous physiology. Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu I would like to share this with you today, subhanAllaah today I found out one of my dearest sister in Islam was suffering with cancer Alhamdulillaah Rabbil Aalameen she has been cured but shes on tablets for life, subhanAllaah my heart was tearing apart when I read her text I couldnt stop my tears . Im asking you all by Allaah Azza wa Jal to remember my dearest sister in your dua. Please!!! make it a point to sleep early ...thats how Allaah has made us.. Sleep at night and work during the day.. Today I learnt something new…. A natural cancer vaccine!! Allaah Subhanahu wa Ta’alah wants the best for us and does not want us to have cancer or any other disease and as long as we read and implement the Qura’an we will never suffer inshaAllaah, Allaah Subhana wa talaah says: (We have not sent down to you the Quran that you be distressed) 20:2 Allaah SubhanAllaahu wa talaah placed in each and every one of us a gland in our head called the Pineal gland, it is considered to be the biological clock of the human body and it is also connected to the sight nerve. It is so small like a size of a pea. Every day after Isha this glands start producing a substance called Melatonin which runs in the blood streams and protects the body from cancer. This gland works only in the dark so if the eye is exposed to light the gland does not work because it thinks night has not come yet. So if you stay up at night in the light you are depriving your body from this daily vaccine. Allaah Subhanahu wa talaa says: (We erased the sign of the night and made the sign of the day visible ) 17:12 Unfortunately, we nowadays made the sign of the night more visible than the sign of day by staying up all night and sleeping all day. Our parents and grandparents who used to sleep early in the night and wakeup early in the morning did not suffer from cancer or any of the diseases we hear about today. A study was done on to types of chicken farms, a natural breeding type where chickens sleep early at night and wakeup early in the morning to feed and an artificial one where they wake the chickens at night for feeding. The results were 30% of the artificial farming chickens were diagnosed with cancer while the natural farming chickens were completely healthy and clear from any disease. Allaah Subhanallaahu wa talaa placed this daily vaccine in our bodies to protect us so let’s put it to use by sleeping early. The gland starts working from after Isha until two hours before fajr!!! Subhana Allaah as if it’s telling us two hours before fajr is the last third of the night so wake up for Qiyamul lail. Follow your guide and your manual (the Quran) my dear sisters and brothers and you will always be fine inshaAllaah. Please read the Quran and ponder over that. Cancer remedy proven from hadith and elaborated by science,Subhan Allaah.. Must read the miraculous physiology, Allaah designed inside man..ukhti your in my dua and I love you for Allaahs sake.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 08:18:07 +0000

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