America is NOT the Greatest Country in the World Anymore. As I - TopicsExpress


America is NOT the Greatest Country in the World Anymore. As I sit here and watch the country I love being destroyed I have to stop and wonder exactly what it is about the U.S. of A. that is worth loving. It certainly cant be my government. Ours is not the by the people for the people that I read about back when we were celebrating our bicentennial. Black presidential campaign bus, black SUV escorts, black dress police officers in jack boots and Nazi helmets, black ops.....not only does it behave like the dark side of Star Wars fame but they look like them too. Doesnt anyone in Washington own a white hat? America has taken the leap from Constitutional Republic straight to empire controlling other countries around the globe with bribes, intimidation and the murders of hundreds of thousands if not millions of innocent people; men women and children. In fact the antichrist who sits in the peoples house personally decides who will live and who will die via drone attacks. Could Americas government possibly be more evil and corrupt? We can blame the government, we can blame corporations (but only if youre a pinko commie scumbag), and we can blame the news media and yes they all shoulder some blame but who is really at fault? Ill tell you! The real fault for everything that has gone wrong in America belongs to the American people themselves. Yeah thats right you Joe sixpack sitting on your couch this weekend wasting the best part of every day whooping and hollering as some multi millionaire throws a ball to another multi millionaire playing a game you should be outside playing with your children, extended family and neighbors. It is also your fault sweety. Sitting around watching lifetime and shopping with your shallow friends while your freedom and liberty is pulled out from underneath you. The simple fact is that most Americans are lazy pieces of shit who think they are entitled to free shit just because they happen to be lucky enough to be born on the North American continent. In America there is no sense of self reliability, self responsibility, and self accountability. Just like Obozo it is always someone elses fault that youre a loser stuffing your face and depending on all your fellow citizens to pay for your poor life decisions. How many Americans are really involved in their childrens educations? As someone who worked for the school system I can tell you that the number is incredibly low. How many of you ever do any research to see if the bullshit they tell you on the 6 oclock news isnt just pure PC propaganda or whether they are covering what they should have been covering? How many Americans actually vote? The odds say you didnt since only about 20% do. Might as well let illegal aliens and the dead vote. At least someone is casting a ballot. I remember seeing the first episode of HBOs The Newsroom and listening to Jeff Daniels give that riveting speech about how America was not the greatest country in the world and I think that speech garnered so much attention because based on what he was saying he was absolutely right and we all know it to be so. Several episodes later the writers dropped the ball and the character Daniels played told sorority girl that it was the American people who made America the greatest country in the world. Well Im sorry boys and girls but if the measure of Americas greatness is the people we arent even a close second or third or tenth. What Americans, at least the majority of them are lacking is character. Plain and simple and most will quietly sit by their flat screen TV sets watching football, basketball, and baseball stuffing their faces with bar food while their nation burns all around them. The only thing left that is great is the scenery. ~PMc
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 19:28:29 +0000

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