America is rapidly becoming a First Amendment-free zone, thanks to - TopicsExpress


America is rapidly becoming a First Amendment-free zone, thanks to the growing power of the PC police in the media and on campus and among Big Green environmentalists in the nonprofit community. Share the facts at the Washington Examiner. American University adjunct professor and veteran self-described progressive activist Caleb Rossiter is the latest victim, thanks to an article he wrote for the Wall Street Journal opinion pages questioning global warming. “I have tried to get them to discuss and explain their rejection of my analysis, Rossiter told Climate Depots Marc Morano, who broke the story last week. “When I countered a claim of ‘rapidly accelerating’ temperature change with the [UN] IPCC’s own data’, showing the nearly 20-year temperature pause — the best response I ever got was ‘Caleb, I don’t have time for this,’” Rossiter said. Radical feminists also tried to silence George Will. Can the Green-Left demand scholars and pundits to shut up or else?
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 15:06:55 +0000

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