America use to be about freedom and equality. that was why our - TopicsExpress


America use to be about freedom and equality. that was why our nation was made. it was to help us grow as a whole and prevent corruption and perversions of laws and rights. that is not what it is today. today our nation has abandoned the people. it has slithered its way into full control of the people. we allowed it to fall into the hands of people who wish us no good. people fall for the lies they are told, people are conditioned to shut up and do nothing even if they think something is wrong. America i have lost hope for you. i will not give up on my fight to set things right but i have little faith in the people of our nation. i know you fear the corrupt tyrannical government that is weakening our nation and forcing unjust upon us. i also fear them because i know that there are not enough people willing to challenge them, to stand and fight against the corruption. we can fix America but only if you help. ok so your eyes are open, you are on my side and will stand with me to make America what it should be, but what about the ones that are not like you. what about the ones who walk their life and have no common knowledge of what is going on? we need to get them on our side. i know its not easy because they all look at us like we are out of our minds, but that is because they have been conditioned. they are brain washed to think that nothing is wrong and our government has our best interests in mind. that is a lie and we must get the truth out to them. i know most will not wish to hear what we say or how we feel. that is why we must do it differently than we are. if we wish to wake the masses then we must inform then. to inform them just talk to them, dont go nuts telling them all the things we see wrong that will deter them. to open their eyes just ask them about what they think of things. show them how bad things are by asking them questions. you can yell through a door all you want but i will not hear you. knock on it and wait for me to open it and i will be able to hear all you have to say load and clear. we are running out of time and if our nation falls then we all are going to suffer. we will be owned by the very government that we should own. we need 100 million to wake up or the 318 million if we can but we must unite the masses in an effort to fix our nation. we must do it as one and we must be ready when it happens. are you with me or are you against me. for the love of life i hope you are with me. 5/16/14
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 15:00:39 +0000

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