Amy says - Heres my testimony a month into my Plexus - TopicsExpress


Amy says - Heres my testimony a month into my Plexus journey. Before Plexus, I was becoming something of a wreck on two legs. I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes in December 2010. Gained wayyyyy too much weight during my second pregnancy. Lack of energy, frequent migraines and bladder infections. Dealing with some financial stress as well. In short, I was a mess. I was able to keep my diabetes under control with 1000mg of Metformin twice a day... Until recently. Around the holidays this last yr my blood sugar levels spiked into the high 200s (with occasional readings of 300) despite the Metformin. Throughout this last year, I had been noticing posts a FB friend of mine had been making about this drink called Plexus Slim. She shared details of how Plexus helped relieve pain related to her fibromyalgia, Hashimotos disease and many other painful conditions she had. She also posted pics that showed her weight loss. I noted that it seemed to be a wonderful product but left it at that; as it seemed way out of my budget. But now, with my blood sugar readings so high (and learning that Plexus Slim was developed FOR type II diabetics), I decided to go for it... One of the best decisions I have ever made for my health! I had a few stops & starts to begin with because I purchased my product in small amounts. I started with the 7 day pack and just kept ordering them in that amount until I saved up enough $$ for more and a couple of times, I ran out of product and had to wait a couple of weeks until I could order more. The early results were amazing though! Within just a few days of starting Plexus Slim, my blood sugar levels began dropping and I noticed an increase in energy that I had not felt in awhile (and this was not the jittery kind of energy that you tend to feel with stimulants). I was so excited about this wonderful pink drink that I began telling people about it and as some of them decided to try Plexus products for themselves . Now 4 weeks into my Plexus journey, I have lost 10 pounds, my clothes fit better, I have more energy than I have in a long time, have not had a migraine in over a month, and best of all, my blood sugar this morning was 115...the lowest it has been in forever! Plexus is also helping me stay pain free! I was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia in 2009 (an intense, constant pain along my jawline). After going back & forth from doctor to dentist to neurologist (who put me on Lyrica, which did not work) with no relief, my chiropractor/kinesiologist found that my neuralgia was caused by a virus in the trigeminal nerve that was brought on by an allergy to wheat. He put me on a course of vitamins and had me avoid all wheat products for a month. Within a couple of days, the pain was completely gone! After that month, I slowly added wheat products back to my diet in small amounts until a couple of years later when I had a flare up of jaw pain. I returned to my chiropractor/kinesiologist, found it was due to a buildup of wheat again and repeated the same course of treatment and praise The Lord, was pain free again within a couple of days. My problem was an intense craving for those things that were so bad for me. And while small amounts seemed to be fine...those small amounts added up over time and caused problems. I mention this here because another wonderful thing about Plexus is that it has GREATLY reduced my cravings for those wheat based products (including fried foods, which being a southern girl, I grew up on and have always loved) so I no longer have to worry about my wheat consumption building up and leading to another flare up. Thus far, I am only using Plexus Slim and I have not drastically changed my diet, however, as Plexus has reduced my cravings for sugar (and fried) foods, I have found that I am eating better. I have always loved tomatoes, cucumbers, berries and summer fruits (peaches, plums, nectarines, apricots, etc); but I find myself reaching for the fruits & vegetables more now, in place of the less healthy stuff. Whew... I got a little long winded here. Apologies for rambling if you are still with me. Just one more thing to add... Plexus works!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 17:00:01 +0000

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