Amys Prayers of the People from Sunday Let us pray for the - TopicsExpress


Amys Prayers of the People from Sunday Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs: O Mother of creation, In these glorious long-light days of summer, as the green world (our green partners) is flourishing, we give thanks for the beauty of your creation where even the spider webs sing. From the delight of Minnesota’s changing seasons to the majesty of Africa, our small blue-green planet fills us with awe. You have given us so much. Gracious God, in your mercy, Hear our Prayer. Beloved sacred artist, We give thanks for the beauty of the human family, our various shades of skin colour and languages, our amazing bodies with their capacity to heal. We sing through our web the beauty of Pastor Janet, Ed Lewis, Jane Fewer, Jim Unglaube, Nancy Pederson, Jacqueline Moren, Shar Hauer, Richard Erickson, Kay Knutson, Blanche Austin, Charles Sisson, Bev Smith, Marlin Wogstad,Tillie Abrahamson, Fern Johnson and others whom we may know to be dealing with health issues, knowing that your vitality is with them. Gracious God, in your mercy, Hear our Prayer. Holy One Who Weeps for us, We lament that we humans continue to engage in war, with its destruction of homes, livelihoods, bodies and lives. We pray for all in war’s way, of all nationalities. Closer in our web are those American and Liberian survivors of war and their families who are struggling with invisible injuries. Last Sunday you wept with rain on our exhibit of 22 empty chairs signifying the tragic and unnecessary daily loss of veterans to suicide. We give thanks for the Coming Home Collaborative and others in the international Veterans Recovery Movement and for the generosity of this congregation which provides a special place for societal healing. Gracious God, in your mercy, Hear our Prayer. Holy Promoter of Peace and Right Relationships, We claim your Promise. We give thanks for the Isaiah movement that seeks to restore the law of love into Minnesota state policy decisions on education, immigration, health, criminal justice, transit, and the economy. We thank You for Your presence yesterday, as many members of this congregation joined hundreds of others from across MN to truly make our web sing in a covenant of congregations: bound together to uphold the truth that no human is disposable from our web. We seek to follow You as we make our web sing to awake from the numbness that empire requires, to challenge the dehumanizing values that place the well-being of the empire over that of each others’ souls. Thank you for empowering us to be transformative peacemakers in every arena of our lives. Gracious God, in your mercy, Hear our Prayer. God who calls us into relationship, We give thanks for all the ways we web ourselves together, in the Isaiah movement, in Tezra and Scotties marriage Friday, in families of birth and families of adoption, cherishers of each others’ children, joint sustainers of the mission of OSLC and Our Saviours Community Services; members of church committees; and the many other ways we walk together as fellow sojourners on this life journey, builders of Your loving reign, and enjoyers of Your glorious potluck banquet, Gracious God, in your mercy, Hear our Prayer. Into your bountiful love, O God, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy; through Jesus Christ Our Savior.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 17:15:12 +0000

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