An Appreciation of Sally Fallon, and the Weston Price Foundation - TopicsExpress


An Appreciation of Sally Fallon, and the Weston Price Foundation The most important aspect of good health is to keep from getting sick in the first place. Immunity to disease is anchored by supplying the body with wholesome nutrition. Sally Fallons interest in nutrition began the 1970s with an early book by Weston A. Price: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Price traveled the world studying primitive populations and their diet. The photos in Prices book of the beautiful facial structure and superb physiques of peoples who consumed only whole natural foods as was the beginning of Fallons lifelong interest in nutrition. Sally Fallon is helping people find correct nutrition out as president of the Weston Price Foundation. She and Mary Enig PhD are proving foods tossed out in favor or refined substitutes cause havoc. These three foods were cast out by many of the diet gurus of those years as bad for health by those who were promoting soy protein rich diets. Animal Fats Cod Liver Oil Eggs To counter this fad she co-authored: Nourishing Traditions; The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats, (1999) Sally Fallon and Mary Enig PhD Nourishing Traditions has done a good job of stimulating the public health and medical communities to take a new look at the importance of traditional foods and preparation techniques. The issues with refined food and many of the invented myths about saturated fats and cholesterol are equally challenged. This book is especially important for babies and children who are forming immune systems. Fallon and her colleague Mary Enig PhD are frequent contributors to holistic health publications. Their work is provides understanding of the complicated field of nutrition where opinions vary widely. Refined soy products have generated intense controversy in the health food industry as dangers with refined soy protein have emerged. The common issues with soy include serious digestive issues as diarrhea, painful constipation, vomiting, irritable bowel syndrome, and sharp pain in the digestive tract. The reason for this problem is the high oxalic acid content of soy. Oxalic acid is the culprit and is associated with kidney stones, but also can leave sharp crystal deposits in almost every tissue in the body: In the heart where they can stop electrical signals In the bones where they can displace bone marrow cells, leading to anemia or immune deficiency In the brain where they can impair signal transmission In the skin where they can cause fibromyalgia Other problems also have surfaced as acne, hair loss, depression, lethargy, allergies, heart arrhythmias, infections and feeling cold. Soys estrogen -like compounds are known to depress thyroid function. No food is higher in oxalic acid that soy protein isolates. Soy protein and soy flour are toxic. Like most highly refined products they can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Even supporters of the product admit that large intakes can lead to negative results. Animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary for normal growth, proper function of the brain, nervous system, and protection from disease and optimum energy levels. My name is Bill Tallmon N.D. PhD. The credentials I earned are a footnote of a personal 25 year journey to experience life free from the trap of modern medicine. My most profound appreciation is for the pioneers who blazed the path to reconnect me to nature, and see the problems and possibilities of modern life in a positive way. Human beings always try to make life a little easier, and through science and innovation have done it. Every essence of the planet, the sun, air, light, darkness, sound, rocks, plants, animals, and the invisible world all exist in the framework of nature. Humans are the only elements of nature who make a business of altering nature. We all must be wary of the motive of those who would help us. Look closely. (beyourowndoc under construction) for now:
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 17:01:00 +0000

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