An Englightening and Timely Message By Veritas Vincit “Bill” - TopicsExpress


An Englightening and Timely Message By Veritas Vincit “Bill” (USA) - This review is from: Christians with Pervasive Issues (Kindle Edition) Despite my frequent uncertainty at my relationship with organized religion and my own spirituality, this book helped get me back in touch with the basic Christian principles that guided much of my earlier life. This is the second book I’ve read by Brown, and I enjoy her straightforward and uncompromising honesty in her own ideas, opinions, and struggles with faith at various points throughout her life. Obviously, this is far from an unbiased book, given her role as a minister and a devoted Christian, but similar to her other work, “Who I Be”, this book didn’t beat readers over the head with dogma. She offers an updated, modern approach to forming a new relationship with a higher power that is mutually supportive and rewarding. I don’t often read religiously themed books, but they often provide an insight into how ancient ideas can be combined with modern issues in new and enlightening ways. I would definitely suggest this book when you are at a low moment in your faith, or simply struggling with life in general. Brown delivers once again, and I must thank her for that!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 04:20:22 +0000

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