An OPEN LOVE LETTER from our Resident Life Coach Jodie - TopicsExpress


An OPEN LOVE LETTER from our Resident Life Coach Jodie Berman ___________________________ Our lives are constantly unfolding as the powerful high beams unveil what is next for us. Some moments tumble out before us like a tornado destroying everything in its path and others roll out with the ease of a spring morning. To some extent I have always struggled with being in control. This has been my challenge. In many areas I have released my inner gatekeepers and let life flow in the direction that made sense without attempting to control it. This has absolutely enabled me to be successful in my business life. In the areas of love; I am a control junkie. There is nothing in this world that makes us feel more out of control than being in love with another human being. It is the most soul expanding and terrifying feeling. People truly act crazy in the name of love; our capacity to feel that much is extraordinary and is what makes us as humans so endearing! Although I have been blessed to have had love pouring into my world, for many years I kept romantic love at a distance. My heart simply was not ready for another crack so instead I filled my life with those I knew would not add more scarring to those walls. In present day I am completely in love but I still slide back. There are moments that I am searching for a way to save us both from pain within that beautiful beating vessel inside us. The person I have chosen is complicated, messy and fraught with finding his own way into a new world that allows him to be the man he chooses to be. I wondered why my heart connected with someone whose life is so in transition and my realization was clear. My strengths are his hurdles and his strengths are where I falter. He teaches me how to love fully and to show emotion with vulnerability for which I will always be grateful. It is our birthright to love and to be loved. Our history should not define the love we allow in our present. Trusting ourselves, our path, and the love that we share with others is a staple to the pathway of our happiness. Love comes into our lives when it is meant too. It doesnt always last but the lessons are infinite if we choose to see them. Love is always a gift that opens us from the inside out exposing our weaknesses, insecurities and mirrors who we really are. It is our greatest tool to exploring ourselves and how we show up in the world. Trust that you are divinely created to embrace your humanity in the form of allowing all good that comes into your life without reservation. Love, Light & Lotus! Jodie 754. 201.7631 Red Pearl Student Special: 3 Coaching Sessions for $300. Call me for details.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 12:06:46 +0000

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