An edited conversation with a friend: ~~~ Questioner: It seems - TopicsExpress


An edited conversation with a friend: ~~~ Questioner: It seems that feelings, sensation, everything that has to do with body is the strongest part of identification. Reply: The core identification is identification of Consciousness with a form. The senses are the vehicle of identification. Before the mind engages, perception is whole and seamless ... the mind separates perception into objects and attaches to the parts. Questioner: Yes, but for example when there is pain or feelings that have to do with past experiences. That is when the idea that this is happening to my body gets stronger, through these past experiences. Reply: Before attributing experiences to my body, there is already a me-feeling. The me-feeling is before the attribution of pain to my body. The me-feeling is Consciousness identifying with the body mind form and precedes the attribution of past experiences to the body. Questioner: Yes, I understand. Reply: What follows the me-feeling, is the mind perceiving all events as me-events. Like the the tree has a trunk and then the branches flow out of the trunk. The me-feeling is the background of ignorance. The emotions are the branches. Questioner: In the process of awakening what is stronger is the memory in the cells. Reply: I dont understand your question. Awakening is beyond the mind. Realization is the stabilization. Questioner: OK, what I am trying to express or maybe ask is this: in order to begin the process of awakening would it not be important to own the feelings and strong emotions that have to do with traumatic experiences in the past? Reply: No, you do not need to own them since there is no owner. But it is important not to deny. If you try to explore the details of the feelings and emotions you go into an endless labyrinth of past memories and endless interpretations. Best is to rely on your teacher and not on your psychologist. Your teacher tells you that all feelings and emotions have one root, one common denominator that is the I-thought and me-feeling. This way the entire process is clarified and not every specific twist and turn. Questioner: That is if you have a teacher! Reply: Psychologists are not necessarily liberated. A liberated teacher who heavily uses psychology is using the long path. This approach addresses the mind and very rarely does it bring about liberation. For a sincere truth lover, the psychological approach is of limited use. The psychologist works in the realm of the mind and does not take you beyond as he is not liberated. If he is liberated, he will not take you on a wild goose chase. Having said that, there is nothing wrong with psychological counseling. It is a good business that may provide useful band aids for specific wounds. Questioner: Yes I understand that also. Reply: A truth lover simply needs to recognize the teaching and the teacher. When you are ready you recognize your teacher. When you are not ready, you do not recognize. Questioner: OK. Reply: Dont worry about your past traumas and analyzing them. There is one trauma and that is the identification of Consciousness with a mortal body mind. Simply recognize the teaching and your guide. When you are ready, the recognition is immediate. You can feel it. You can sense it in your intuition. Do not go after old and past traumas. Questioner: It is my view that many people would love to be free of all negative emotions and feelings that arise in that particular body mind and they look for spiritual answers to bypass what is there in the body cells. Reply: You can be free of negative emotions as well as free of the me-feeling when you realize your true nature. When the I-dentification with a mortal form is completely seen through and is dissolved at both the mind level and at the body level. Contemplate the I-dentification with the mortal body mind and see its falsehood. If you contemplate the truth, the truth will liberate you of the me-feeling and of the negative emotions. You can also contemplate the me-feeling and the negative emotions from a witnessing standpoint, from the stillness. Your teacher will clarify this process and will guide you so you dont get stuck in avoidance or nihilism. Questioner: I will put these two scenarios: Lets say there is a way by which you get rid of negative emotions and me-feelings which will allow you to express yourself in the world as a happy me, remaining a me ... and there is another way by which you hope to get the same happiness but also the freedom of the me identification. Of course I will choose the second. But in many cases it would be better to feel good as a me and live from the heart than spending a long time pursuing an ideal of liberation and feeling miserable, hoping something will happen. Reply: It does not work that way. You do not have two options, you have only one. You cannot be partially free nor can you be partially happy. You cannot be a happy me that is free from the me-feelings. There is no such thing as a happy me as the me is unhappiness since it refers to a limited consciousness. The me does not live from the heart. That is an oxymoron. That is an illusion sold by impostors. That is a complete lie spoken by fools. Questioner: Anyway, I really know there are no options. Reply: Do not buy a cardboard car sold to you by charlatans and fools. A cardboard car does not run. Questioner: Yes, a me can never be happy. Only comfortable some times. Reply: Foolish and ignorant words spoken by tricksters trying to sell you defective goods. They sell junk and call it goods. A me that lives from the heart is like a thief that makes an honest living. Questioner: All of them? Reply: Do not be fooled by believing in a happy separate self. You will be wasting your precious time. Only follow the high path and none else. Otherwise you will be spinning your wheels for many kalpas. See through the illusion of separation. Questioner: Thank you and have a nice day! Reply: You too. Thanks.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 01:02:01 +0000

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