An example a classic study, done over 50 years ago by John - TopicsExpress


An example a classic study, done over 50 years ago by John Atkinson, in which low achieving and high achieving people were invited to take shots on a shuffleboard court. They could all choose to take easy, intermediate, or very difficult shots. Grant chose to focus on the fact that very few people in either group chose the “very easy” shot, supporting his contention that everyone likes challenge. But something else was also worth noting : Grant noted that many more of the low achievers chose the very difficult shot – for which there was only a 2% chance of success. The high achievers, in both practice shots and “game” shots, were most likely to choose the intermediate level of difficulty. The low achievers were much more likely to choose the very difficult shot, both in practice and in the game. Why should this be so, and why does it matter to us? It demonstrates something important that I’ve seen over the years: The most successful people target and achieve reasonable aspirations . #Start_small
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:42:18 +0000

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