An excerpt from Sarahs Sight, Book II in the Shadows and Light - TopicsExpress


An excerpt from Sarahs Sight, Book II in the Shadows and Light Series. ~ Sarah drove into the city and found the Quicken Loans Arena, The Q as it was known locally. She spotted the service entrance accidently, after seeing a beverage truck leave. Since it was so early, she hoped the area wouldn’t be guarded. She was right. She pulled into the parking lot. Near the building, away from the numerous parked vehicles, was a large tour bus. Instinctively, Sarah knew. He was in there. She backed the Corolla into a spot where she could observe; close enough to see without being detected. She didn’t have long to wait. A youngish man pulled up in a small car and got out. He carried a Taco Bell bag across the lot toward the bus. Sarah decided this was her chance. She didn’t know what she was going to say, but hoped it came to her when she got there. Sarah trotted across as the young man reached for the door handle on the side of the bus. She was almost to him, when a piece of paper blew right to her feet. Sarah’s eyes grew large. It was a one hundred dollar bill. That’s it. She instantly knew what to do. She scooped it up, and called out to the young man just as he opened the door to the bus. “Excuse me, I found this out here.” Sarah waved the money in the air as he turned around. “It’s a lot of money. I thought maybe someone in the bus dropped it?” Sarah walked the last few feet toward him. Her voice must have carried inside, because from the half open door, Sarah heard someone answer. “Kurt, bring the lady in.” Sarah glanced up into the face of the young man with boy-next-door features who appeared pale and nervous. He motioned for her to step inside and held the door for her. Sarah took the three steps up into the luxury bus. A pleasant-looking older man sat at a desk just inside the door, his dark head sporting an expensive haircut. A beautiful young woman, about Sarah’s age, stood beside the desk straightening her dress. A sudden rumble of thunder from outside sounded, and Sarah thought it odd on such a clear day. “Oohh,” Reverend Manning said, cupping his hand around one ear at the sound. “Did you hear that?” He grinned at Sarah, and she smiled back holding up the one hundred dollar bill. Before Sarah could say a word, the man spoke again. “Well, well, well. I just knew you would turn it in!” he chuckled gleefully. Confused, Sarah frowned slightly. The young man from the parking lot leaned past her and set the Taco Bell bag on the desk. “That will be all, Kurt—and Melissa. Thank you.” The man waved the young woman away along with his assistant, and they left the room. Could this really be the evil leader Charlie told her about? He seemed a little strange, but Sarah didn’t get too bad a vibe from him. What did he mean, about knowing she would turn in the money? Reverend Manning opened the Taco Bell bag and removed his Doritos Locos Taco. “I just love Taco Bell,” he said. “one of earth’s greatest pleasures.” He unwrapped the paper carefully and took a huge bite. “Mmm,” he mumbled, crunching noisily. Sarah decided she needed to say something about her find. She held up the bill. “This was just outside your door. It’s a lot of money… “You can have it, Sarah.” Her guts flip-flopped and her blood went ice cold. He knows my name! Fear rooted her to the spot and she stared at him, speechless. She could feel sweat breaking out on her forehead. Sarah began to back away. Reverend Manning chewed his taco appreciatively, savoring every morsel. “Live mas,” he mused through the mouthful of deliciousness, quoting the eatery’s tagline. He swallowed the bite. Reverend Manning noticed her dismay. “What? Did you think I wouldn’t know you?” Sarah was thunderstruck. She hadn’t in her wildest imaginings foreseen this. But so far, there were no overt threats, so she stayed put. “I don’t know you,” she squeaked. He nonchalantly picked up some strands of shredded orange cheese that had fallen off his taco during the last bite, and carefully replaced them. Sarah stared at his long fingers, nails manicured and smooth, but strangely pointed. “Excuse my poor manners, Sarah, I’m a bit distracted by meeting you so unexpectedly—and by some recent good news. I’m the Reverend Manning, the Reverend William Manning the third, to be exact.” He stared into her eyes, chewing. “I am going to be your next President of the United States.” He dug in the bag for the brown paper napkin provided by the eatery, and popped the final bit of taco into his mouth. He delicately licked each long finger then wiped them individually with the napkin. He finished with a dab to both corners of his mouth. Sarah watched fascinated, unable to look away. The Reverend sat back in his deep, swivel leather chair and studied her as he chewed the last bite. “I know what you’re asking yourself, Sarah. You’re asking ‘How does this famous man know my name?’” Reverend Manning’s voice rose into a high register as he mimicked a girl’s voice. Sarah’s heart skipped a beat and she almost bolted at the terrible feeling now swelling deep within her. “But I think I know something that is bothering you even more.” He sucked at a tooth, trying to dislodge a bit of food stuck there. “You’re asking yourself, ‘What is it about me that makes them want my help?’” The Reverend leaned forward, a quizzical expression on his face. “Isn’t that right?” Sarah thought he had pretty much hit the nail on the head, but was not about to let on. She was too terrified to speak anyway. He nodded at her, answering his own question. “Well, the reason, Sarah, is that you are very special. Or perhaps I should say your line is very special. And so both sides need you.” Sarah shook her head slightly, frowning, not understanding. He saw this and continued. “You don’t know do you? Of course you don’t. They would never tell you.” ~ tinyurl/pprtvef
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 04:32:42 +0000

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