An exhortation in the name of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus, - TopicsExpress


An exhortation in the name of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus, Son of our Heavenly Father, Almighty God. To my brothers and sisters in the body of Christ, and fellow neighbors; the cost, and commands of the law have been met by the walk of Jesus of Nazareth, but not one letter or dot ceases to remain relevant. As salvation from the flood, through the righteousness counted to Noah, stayed off total annihilation. The walk and works of righteousness unto the cross, counted to the Lord Jesus, has satisfied all requirements of the Laws of Moses, for salvation from the pending fire to come. So we who are saved, are no longer under the curse of the law, because of our inability to adhere to it, in its entirety. We being them who abide in Christ, are under the New Covenant, the Law of Grace and Mercy, through the work of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. The Old Covenant still being the footnotes and building blocks of righteousness, instruct us that love trumps all. Not love of self, but the love of and for the LORD God. To love and fear the wrath of the LORD God, begets obedience, so one in obedience loves his neighbor as he loves himself, and wants to be loved. Be you this, then be you made perfect, at the first resurrection; So mercy trumps judgment. The exhortation of Love is this; for the true believer in the works of Christ, whos faith lies in His belief. He is saved, but how then can in him yet still sin prevail? A lover of righteousness must then detest sin, not embrace it. He must hate his flesh, not love it. So shall we pass laws that encourage sin, in the name of freedom? When even freedom itself is not free. The freedom from the cost of sin was paid in blood. As is the freedom we enjoy in a free society. The freedom of/from religion is the freedom from the tyranny of state sponsored religion. But shall a society be held hostage by the ideology of the minority? Them that cry religious oppression, enjoy the benefits of christian values. It is only when their sinful practices are challenged, and their freedom to openly indulge in such practices are suppressed, and frowned upon, that they scream fowl play, and discrimination. You say your cause is equivalent to that of racial slavery. This would be true if it were a sin to be a certain color of skin, nationality or ethnicity. But when it comes to sin we are all on the same playing field. A monogamous relationship comes easy to no one. All are tempted by the desires of another. But to act on these desires is sinful and immoral, a breaking of the marital covenant. So to say you were born that way holds true. But your right to be that way holds true also to be immoral and unlawful. Without the teachings of Christ, these United States of America would not exist. But know this, one day this nation as we know it shall cease to exist, but the Will of our Father God thru Christ Jesus, shall always prevail, Hallelujah! Because when the Lord Jesus returns, and sits on the Throne of the Holy Mount in Jerusalem, then, truly, we shall be one nation, under GOD, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all. All praise and glory belong to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of our LORD God Almighty; Amen!
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 00:21:04 +0000

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