An opportunity to pray… forgive me for the length of this - TopicsExpress


An opportunity to pray… forgive me for the length of this story! I want to ask that everyone pray for a man named Patrick… I was on my way out of the Macs by my house with my 2L ice tea when I see a man with a hat in front of him. I get a glance at this man, a punk rock type who looked in his late 20’s. The thing that stood out to me however was the hospital wristbands he was wearing. “Do you have some spare change?” I here him ask. A sententace I hear that is so cliché almost on a day to day basis. I reply “ I have no change on me.” He then says “ I am just looking for something to eat, I am starving.” I could sense his genuine but almost desperate plea. “ “I have no change, however I could buy you something to eat if you would like.” This man jumps up so fast and says “God Bless you man” I then immediately say “ God has blessed me with the opportunity to bless you today!” His reply made me laugh “f-ing rights man!” So we walk into DQ and walk up to the counter. “can I take your order.” And this man then briefly looks at me then starts ordering. “Can I get a a double cheeseburger?” and my thoughts are “OK that’s not so bad. I can afford that” then He keeps going. To which my wallet must have cried abit. “can I also get a poutine?” Ok still not so bad… “Can I also get a medium milkshake? “ awww man… then the total comes up. OWCH! He then looks at me and says “are you sure? “Yeah I am, and I know you wanted all this to go but do you mind if we sit down and you eat here? “Sure man” he replies and then promptly gives me a fist bump. So we are sitting down and I start asking him a few questions. It turns out that this mans name is Patrick and he is from Vancouver, he used to be a Plummer but lost his license, and because plumbers don’t car pool… he lost his job. Patrick then asks me what I do for work. To which I reply, “ I work with Homeless youth downtown.” “We were meant to be” he say’s with a laugh, to which I reply, “ I don’t believe in coincidences…” I then ask “where did you stay last night?” He precedes to tell me that he just got out of the hospital. But not for convectional reasons. Apparently he was sleeping in a dumpster not to far from Macs but it got too cold, so he asked the hospital if they could spare a bed to which they replied “no” then Patrick tells me that he then used the insanity plea card. Which after asking he tells me that it is when you pretend you are going to kill yourself so they are forced to admit you, for at lease 6hrs. “So that’s how you got a place to stay last night? What is you plan for tonight?” He then tells me that he knows about the DI (Calgary Drop in center) but he doesn’t want to stay there because he is afraid of getting back into his drug addiction. “That’s fair and probably a good choice!” I say. I get a chance to look at all the food that he’s has ordered… all of its almost gone. Eating it like he doesn’t know when he will be able to eat again...and more then likely he hasn’t eaten in several l days… I then tell him about the Salvation Army (center of Hope) and tell him that he can stay there for three months for free, and you have to be sober to stay there. After I say that Patrick tells me that’s were is going then. I also get to ask him more questions, to which he tells me the reason why he is in Calgary. Patrick is trying to be in his son’s life. His son apparently was taken away from them. And he is trying to do everything he can to be in his life. But has to jump though a bunch of hoops set up by child welfair. I then ask him about what he believes and he tells me that he believes in God and prays to him all the time, and has a relationship. But is messed up. I then ask him If I can pray for him and he gives me his hand and say’s yes… It was a beautiful divine appointment… Brothers and sisters of Christ... Pray for Patrick. He is so burndered with guilt, shame, fear, anger, sadness and deppestipn to name a few things. Pray that Jesus takes away these burdens. Pray that Jesus would be his hope, his love, his redemption… Pray that Jesus would restore that which the enemy has taken from Patrick, pray that drug addiction would no longer have a hold over Patricks life, pray that Patrick would be able to be involved in his sons life again. Pray that Patrick would not lose hope! Pray that God would countine to chace after Patrick! Pray as you feel lead in the sprirt, but please pray. God Bless you all. Thank you for allowing me to share what God is doing! (:
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 19:21:10 +0000

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