And it’s the credibility of policies that was the real issue all - TopicsExpress


And it’s the credibility of policies that was the real issue all along. Obama did not have a credible policy on Syria, just like he didn’t have one on Libya or Egypt. This is not an administration that is capable of foreseeing the unexpected consequences of its actions abroad. Instead it operates with the arrogant dogmatism of the left by assuming that ideological credibility will translate into results. Obama would like to bomb Syria, while his advisers admit that there is no real plan for Syria. Obama bombed Libya and now the Muslim Brotherhood has forced the elected government out of power while militias battle for control over its major cities. The media won’t report that, just as it skims across the surface of Benghazigate, because it might give people the idea that bombing a place without having a plan for the aftermath is a bad idea. The constant calls for protecting Obama’s credibility are really demands that Congress enlist in the media’s spin brigade by protecting his image for the sake of national security. But the only people being fooled by this show are other Americans. The spin corps isn’t protecting American credibility abroad; it’s promoting America credulity at home. Obama’s media defenders insist on selling Americans on the myth of his competence. That is the confidence trick they want to pull off with the help of Congress. The trick is not being played on Assad or Putin or the rest of the world; instead it will once again be played on America.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 14:26:45 +0000

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