And those which were Lunatic . . . and He healed them. . . Jesus - TopicsExpress


And those which were Lunatic . . . and He healed them. . . Jesus healed people who were emotionally ill. Some of those weve just talked about. It was once thought, that anyone who was insane, or had a grave emotional or mental disorder, was demon possessed. Some were, and some still are, just like the one called Legion. Hanging out in the tombs and cutting your self with stones, surely qualifies for the term lunatic. But not everybody. Is it true, that all of the things Jesus did, we are supposed to do; and more. There are several issues I hope to address. I say humbly, that I write from experience; not from someone elses authority or written knowledge. One, is that somehow, we were led to believe that receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost, would cure everything about us; we would be totally well. I think we know that all of our physical illnesses were not necessarily cured at the time; and neither were all of our emotional problems. I am required to say, that if the full operation of the NT church had continued among us as it was first instated, the church as a whole would be more healthy. As I tried to say earlier, God placed everything we need in the Body of Christ. Another issue I see, is that even with modern medicine and all of the many medications for emotional problems and mental disorders, we are seldom cured. Many folk, struggle all of their lives with problems they incurred from some type of trauma, or something even inherited from their family. Oh, I have to stop here and say; havent we always said that nothing, is too hard for God. Did we not believe that there was absolutely nothing He could not do, if it was his will to do it. I cannot believe that it is His will that we must go through our entire lives, suffering with broken hearts and shattered minds; afraid that someone might find out how fragile and shaky we are. This emotional illness, this dysfunction, is a human issue. It touches lives on every level; including those in leadership. People suffer daily; endlessly. Some of us are waiting for mighty Revival. Were looking for a tremendous outpouring of the Spirit in these final days. What if it passes us by. Unless we revive some of the original practices we once had and that the very early churches had, we likely wont see the total healing our people need. It was declared to me many years ago, that you cannot give out, something you do not have. Seeking the gifts of the Spirit and encouraging them to operate fully, was once a cornerstone of our faith. Insisting that the five fold ministry function as it was set in the church by God to do, was paramount. Im not talking about a bunch of names or titles people use; Im referring to those Spirit-called offices that have the signs, wonders and miracles that follow them. Allowing the Spirit to teach, and urging the people to follow. The world is in an awful mess and turmoil; its getting progressively worse. What can we offer them, if we are in such a mess ourselves. A lot of folk we know, are putting on a very good show. If real revival in the church, with miracles, signs and wonders, were actually happening here as some claim they are, you could not get within blocks, even miles of the place. Everyone would turn out to see it. Im telling you, the world is desperate, and so are many of us. It is a fact that we were given the tools; the question is, will we use them now; even if we have to go to the streets to do it.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 00:14:12 +0000

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