Angel in trailer 48 An elderly lady approaches me at savers - TopicsExpress


Angel in trailer 48 An elderly lady approaches me at savers while shopping with my 4 girls Excuse me miss? Yes? Are you going to be going close to 800 north by chance? I could, but, we just got here. It will probably be about 30 minutes until we leave. I know your busy, I can see that. I cant wait if your going to drive that way, I walked down here from there and I cant walk back with what I had purchased. Hesitantly I replied Sure, it will take a bit, but if your willing to wait I can take you home on my way out. She then took a seat by the registers. I sped around the store with 4 children in all directions. Each one throwing random objects into the cart. Amidst the chaos, I had regretfully forgotten the innocent plea from the elderly woman, until I reached the check out and saw her patiently waiting. A slight smile grew across her face as she saw us approach. Stressed, as any mother with 4 anxious children would be, we hurried into line, paid for the items and began the dreadful race to the car, with the elderly woman. Once everyone was loaded the lady began to express her gratitude to us, for something that I thought was so insignificant. I felt bad for the feeling of inconvenience that I had felt when she asked for help. After our short trip to her neighborhood, and a few moments of small talk, I started to develop a warm feeling, but not one that I recognized, or really ever felt before. The woman touched my wrist, with her trembling hands, and with 3 very kind squeezes, she held my hand with her hers. Surprisingly a tear ran down her cheek. And once again, she expressed her gratitude. Thank you, your an Angel, and an answer to a prayer But why? It was simply a ride, one mile down the street. Not that big of a deal right? As she climbed out of the car, she said Thank You, angel one last time then said, My dear, I live in trailer 48, please visit when you can, if you can. She looked at me, and then at each one of my girls, as if she was taking mental notes. I watched her go through the gate and drove off. Days went by, and my curiosity of the woman grew. Among the hustle and bustle with the the holiday season, we make cookies. Its a tradition. We make so many, and love to spread them around. A thought came that we should drop some off to that sweet lady in trailer 48. I packed up the children and drove over in the light snow that had began to fall. The holidays season now in full bloom. After a bit of searching we found trailer 48. As I approached I started to get worried that maybe she would not remember me, or that it would be a bad time. So again, hesitantly I knocked in the door. A younger man answered the door, probably around 35 or so. Handsome, but from the look in his eyes, you could see he was fatigued. I explained to him why I was there, and handed him the plate of cookies with a note that we had scribbled down for the sweet lady. He Hun his head with silence. I didnt understand. He slowly lifted his head, and his face was wet with tears, and his eyes becoming increasingly bloodshot. This woman you speak of was my Mother The word was rang in my head like a jet engine. Was? He continued to explain that she got sick after walking down to the store in the cold. Apparently, she did it often, even though her doctor told her not to. She had passed away. Two days prior to this visit. I expressed my sympathy to him, although I did not know him, I hugged him and walked away quickly to hide the wetness of my own eyes. As I sat in my car, reflecting on what had just occured, I became so thankful. This season, I feel that the Lord has truly blessed me with so many things. To trust me with 4 of his children, and to allow me to be in the life of someone who was/is so special. Even if it is for a small moment of time. This elderly woman, who claimed that I was her angel, is now mine. Although a small interaction, she changed my life. Forever I will be grateful. .
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 01:14:25 +0000

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