Angels Speak: Thanks for the reminder to play! We greet you - TopicsExpress


Angels Speak: Thanks for the reminder to play! We greet you today, Dear Ones, with love and understanding in our hearts. We know you have been going through some challenging integrations in this day. New and vibrant energy is being poured into you to lighten it and again raise the vibration of the Collective Consciousness. This has been yet another step into the higher vibrations of light and as always, requires an integration into your earthly bodies. Those more sensitive to energetic shifts will have felt this in a more profound way and may have been thrown a bit off kilter, as you say.We ask you to simple relax and breathe in this new light stream and it will automatically integrate with every cell in your bodies, on every dimensional level, in the smoothest possible way for you. We tell you, it is the process of integrating these new highly refined light patterns into all your bodies, emotional, physical and spiritual. This new influx of energy will help to shift the entire mass consciousness of you and those around you. This is not a time for fear and doubt but a time for joy and celebration. You are all moving to yet another higher level of evolution. You are taking another step into the higher realms and truly creating heaven on earth. You are, as we have said before, in a constant state of evolution but during these time of mass influxes of new energy you actually take larger leaps forward than at any other time. This is why you sometimes find it a bit more challenging during these periods. Be gentle with yourself and honor yourself for your loving service. Remember that to assist others you need to take care of yourself first, in order to be of the highest assist and service to them. All work and no play, makes one a very unbalanced and an unhappy one. Play. Dance. Let the wildness of your true self shine through. There is no judgement. Nurture yourself and take all the steps you need to rebalance and integrate these energies into yourself before trying to assist others. Remember you are not alone, you have met many others as are there thousands of others just like you all over the world who form a wonderful loving network each doing their part to assist in this process. So you see, Dear Ones, all is not what it seems. The evolution of the Planet Earth and all she encompasses proceeds in the highest of light and love. It is not the beginning of the end , it is the end of the beginning and you are doing exceedingly well. You are proceeding at a pace that none could have envisioned before this time. You are bringing into manifestation a creation that was thought to be impossible to accomplish in your time! You are truly creating Heaven on Earth! You are held lovingly in our Heart of Hearts and ask you to do the same for yourself and all those around you.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 14:49:32 +0000

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