Angels and Demons The film of Dan Browns Angels and Demons made - TopicsExpress


Angels and Demons The film of Dan Browns Angels and Demons made its much-anticipated worldwide appearance in 2009. Was it an accurate portrayal of the Illuminati? No. Did it contain grains of truth? Yes. Several people mentioned by Brown in his novel were Illuminati members. The Illuminati have always been favourably disposed to science. And the Catholic Church was, historically, the greatest enemy of the Illuminati. But times have changed. The Catholic Church is dead. It just hasnt realised yet. The Catholic Church The Pope, the head of the Catholic Church, styles himself as the Vicar of Christ, Christs earthly representative. He is, according to the laws of his Church, capable of making ex cathedra infallible statements. The Catholic Church asserts that it preaches eternal truths. Yet consider its violent and bloody history. It launched a holy crusade against the Cathars - a religion founded by the Illuminati - and all but exterminated it. The notorious Inquisition was first established with the Cathars in mind, and then extended to all heretics. The Catholic Church launched several crusades against Jews and Muslims in the Holy Land. In the First Crusade, they captured Jerusalem and massacred virtually the entire population: Jews, Muslims and even eastern Christians. Crusaders were offered plenary indulgences - unlimited forgiveness - for any killing they did in the name of their holy cause. Any crimes they committed would be forgiven, and so they went on one of the greatest criminal rampages in history. And all in the name of God. For several centuries, the Catholic Church tortured and burned tens of thousands of witches and heretics, again all in the name of God, all in the name of Christ who supposedly preached loving your enemies, forgiveness, peace and turning the other cheek. The official position of the Catholic Church is Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus - Outside the Church there is no salvation. All non-Catholics are damned. All Jews, all Muslims, all Hindus, Buddhists, Protestants, Atheists, Agnostics, Sikhs, etc. The Catholic Church reaffirmed its position at the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965): Hence they could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it or to remain in it. However, statements were also made at the Council that seemed to completely contradict this position by claiming that non-Catholic Christians might have a valid path to salvation. Some Catholics regarded these statements as heretical, and refused to acknowledge the conclusions of the Second Vatican Council, and nor did these traditional Catholics acknowledge the legitimacy of the succession of Popes since the Second Vatican Council. Their case is valid. Clearly, Protestants are aware of the Catholic Church and have refused to enter it, so how can they be anything other than damned in terms of Catholic theology? Otherwise, what would be the point of being Catholic rather than Protestant? And why did the Catholic Church burn many Protestants as heretics in past ages if the Protestants had a valid path to salvation? It makes no sense at all. The Catholic Church, in order to be politically correct, has become a muddled joke, making incoherent, illogical and contradictory statements because it does not wish to appear illiberal. It no longer stands for anything at all. Yes, the Illuminati despised the Catholic Church. But look at the Catholic Church now. Old, enfeebled, powerless. It has apologised for the excesses of the Crusades, but it has not, and cannot, disown them. If it did, it would be admitting that the Catholic Church made mistakes, that the Pope was fallible, that the truths of the Middle Ages are not the truths of now i.e. truth is relative and not absolute. Similarly, Jews condemn the Papacy for not doing enough to save Jews during the Holocaust. Yet why should the Papacy, which in the past launched Crusades against the Jews, which believes that all Jews are going to hell for rejecting Christ, utter a single breath of apology? How can you apologise to a race that you believe is damned to hell? How can you shake hands with Muslims when you think they are all hell bound? How can the Pope have tea with non-Catholic kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers, leaders of other religions? All of it is grotesque hypocrisy. The Catholic Church is now just an essentially harmless, politically correct PR machine, terrified of telling its truths for fear of offending others. It has spin doctors, marketing departments, public relations experts - like a Wall Street corporation. The Illuminati stopped fearing the Catholic Church long ago. It has nothing left to say, no threats left to deliver. Stalin asked how many divisions the Pope has. He has none. Angels and Demons is absurd. The Illuminati are fighting the Old World Order of the rich and powerful, and the puppetmasters standing in the shadows who long ago realised that the Catholic Church had nothing left to offer. Within the logic of its own theology, the Catholic Church has become heretical since the Second Vatican Council, and its Popes are now anti-Popes from whom only lies flow. Forget the Catholic Church. In a few hundred years, it will be as relevant as the religions of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 12:16:19 +0000

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