Anonymous: Hi, I wanted to share my experience with Incense, - TopicsExpress


Anonymous: Hi, I wanted to share my experience with Incense, Ive been away from it for 3 months now and getting away from it is the best thing thats ever happened. I smoked Incense for about four years. It altered the way I thought and felt and it was so addicting I never thought Id be able to quit. Ive dealt with health problems and problems with my heart in the past. I had a procedure done a couple years ago to fix my altered heart rate. The drs said it was a success and I was so thrilled. Now its two years later and reality has set in. I got to a point to where I was passing out and it would feel as if my heart where going to explode it was the worst feeling in the world. I finally got to a point to where I knew if I didnt quit I was going to end up dying. I can tell you from first hand experience quitting that was the hardest thing Ive ever done. I was so sick for days, vomitting, fevers, chills and sweating really bad. I really thought my life was going to come to an end. I prayed every night before I would go to sleep to god to please just let me see my daughter another day and that if he helped me through this I would never take life for granted again, I would never avoid family, friends and loved ones either. Well I made it through those couple days and started feeling a little more back to normal (I had forgotten that feeling for so long). I ended up deciding to see a doctor soon after to make sure I was alright and that everything in my body was ok. When the doctor did an EKG in his office, he looked at me and told me I needed to go straight to the local hospital because my heart was not ok. That was the biggest scare and lesson Ive ever had in my life. When I went to the hospital my heart rate was so out of control going from 80 beats a minute to almost 200 beats a minute. Im so lucky those doctors helped me but now Im going to be having surgery on my heart in the upcoming weeks, and Im on so many pills a day now its hard to keep track. I dont know whats going to happen and Ive had to make arrangements for things I never thought I would have to worry about at such a young age. I believe the Incense that came in brands such as brainfreeze and hysteria had alot to do with whats going on with my heart. The first part of getting help is admitting whats going on to a relative, best friend or close loved one that will not judge. Its so hard but the reward of not feeling like your living in hell on earth is so worth it that much I can promise. I hope someone reading this sees my struggle and this helps them realize that life is to short to waste your time with things like these. Its really not worth death. If you know someone who is going through this struggle reach out with a helping hand because its so hard to admit when you have a problem like this. incense and spice products like it alter the chemicals in your brain and make you deppressed or even suicidal. while I still have friends that struggle with this I know the way it feels so Im always there for them no matter what. I could never turn my back because I know how hard it can really be. To anybody struggling just remember it can get better but you have to admit you have a problem first.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 13:27:37 +0000

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