Another day, another country (actually two), another set of - TopicsExpress


Another day, another country (actually two), another set of revelations about the NSA: the U.S. ambassador was summoned by the French government after Le Monde – under the byline of guess who (yes, Glenn Greenwald) -- revealed massive NSA phone surveillance of French citizens. “According to the paper, the documents show that the NSA was allegedly targeting not only terrorist suspects but also politicians, businesspeople, and members of the administration under a program codenamed US-985D.” Of course, maybe it was just a holdover from the Bush years when France was considered little short of an enemy for refusing to go along with the war in Iraq. (You know, “freedom fries” and the rest of it.) And then, there were the protests from Mexico after the German mag Der Spiegel reported that the NSA had hacked the public email account of Mexican president Felipe Calderon. (Since they also hacked the emails of his successor as well as those of the Brazilian president, they’re three for three so far!) “In May 2010, an NSA division known as ‘Tailored Access Operations’ reported it had gained access to then-president Calderons email account, and turned his office into a ‘lucrative’ source of information.” It’s still all Edward Snowden every which way. Amazing. Tom theguardian/world/2013/oct/21/snowden-leaks-france-us-envoy-nsa-surveillance The Mexican report is here: theguardian/world/2013/oct/21/mexico-condemns-us-nsa-hacking-presidents-emails
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 13:10:35 +0000

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