Another day has opened for us. Almighty God, our Father, - TopicsExpress


Another day has opened for us. Almighty God, our Father, another day has opened for us, and we would begin it with You. If we have a little talk with You, we shall be ready to go forth to our work. If we can look into Your face and have You look into our face — we shall not be afraid to go out to meet any danger. We thank You for the rest of the past night. Many have died since the sun went down — but we have been spared. Now we would give ourselves to You for this new day. We would make it a holy day, and we ask You for grace to do so. May Your word be a lamp to our feet, and a light to our path. May its teachings be in our hearts, and may we have grace to follow them. Order our steps according to Your word. Let no iniquity have dominion over us. Take not Your Holy Spirit from us. Restore to us the joy of Your salvation. Our trust is only in Jesus Christ. We are unworthy in ourselves, for we have sinned and our hearts are evil. But Jesus died for us, and in His name we come, asking for Your favor and blessing. We thank You for Your love, from which neither death nor life can separate us. May we abide in Your love, and may Your peace be upon us always. We ask a blessing for all with whom we associate in our common days. Make them all Your friends. Draw them all to Yourself. Help us so to walk before You, that our example shall impress them, and make them think of God and heavenly realities. May we speak Your words to those who are in sorrow or in sin — and may Your grace and peace pass through us to many. We put our hands now into Yours as we go out. Lead us, bless us, keep us, use us! We ask in Jesus precious name. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:32:05 +0000

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