Another great day at jail, Charlotte counseled this girl for a 1 - TopicsExpress


Another great day at jail, Charlotte counseled this girl for a 1 hr, ½ today and had some great break through on letting God guiding her life. And I had a blessing too, there were 18 men in my study today. God is doing great things; I do not even know where to start. Two weeks ago there was this Satanist that was thrown in jail, for over 20 years he practices in the worshiping Satan; he said he did it all, whatever that means. There were these men that have not missed 1 Bible study, took this man and began to witness to him and led him to Christ. Only been saved for 2 weeks and the former Satanist led another inmate to the Lord. That is why my class is filling up, God is moving and Blessing. After Bible class this man came up to me and told me he wanted to get Saved but can’t. I asked him Why? He said he committed the worst sin in the Bible. He said he murdered someone and he knows he deserves Hell. I told him that God does forgive all sins. We bowed our heads and he received Christ as his Savior. For over 30yrs he told me that he could not get rid of this man’s face that he murdered and he prayed God would kill him and send him to Hell. Today that man is not going to Hell but I told him this: We are not Saved by works but we are Saved to work. I told him that now as a child of God you owe God your life. He was crying so hard that it took 2 men to carry him out. But before he left, he told me that I will make God proud of me, I owe God my life. But that not all that happen today, we had about 5 visits today to make and one of those visit turned into a young lady asking Christ as her Lord and Savior. What a great way to spend a Saturday.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 03:42:57 +0000

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