Anti-Roma bigotry has reached a new fever, it seems. The Greek - TopicsExpress


Anti-Roma bigotry has reached a new fever, it seems. The Greek government found a blonde little girl in a Gypsy camp, arrested her parents as kidnappers, and forced the girl into a foster-home where nobody speaks her language. DNA just proved that her parents spoke the truth: they adopted her at birth from another Roma couple in Bulgaria, who didnt have the means to raise her. Now that couple is also in jail in Bulgaria, for human trafficking, even though no money changed hands. It seems they didnt follow state protocols, which would have sent the child to a hellhole Eastern European orphanage. Needless to say, neither the Greek nor Bulgarian governments would have authorized a Roma family to adopt anybody, despite it being best for the child, however blonde, to grow up in her own culture. The original couple in Greece, meanwhile, have not been released, merely undergone a shift in the charges against them. This riled up Ireland into noticing a blonde child in a Gypsy Camp there, too, and to take the child away from her parents, who are begging for a DNA test to prove their parentage. They claim the girl speaks better English than her parents and so, in addition to being blonde, must be a kidnap victim. Kids always speak the surrounding language better than their parents. And the Irish Roma have long intermarried with Irish tinkers, who also lead migratory lives, and whose paths often coincided with theirs, resulting in many blonde children. Yet none of the articles hint at the least unfairness or bigotry, dredging up old myths of Gypsies stealing children! News flash: The Roma have always been anarchists who welcomed runaways, throwaways, and orphans into their camps, sight unseen, and this led to the rumors, not actual kidnapping. What reason would they have for kidnapping children? They have plenty of mouths to feed already! Its generosity that has gotten them in trouble. Ive seen blonde Romany now and then. It happens, just as blue-eyed Indians like me happen. Nobodys pure-blooded anything. That blonde gene could have dated all the way back to Alexander the Greats conquest of India. The real kidnappers are the governments.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 19:35:06 +0000

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