Anti-choice, anti-birth control, anti-womens health forces have - TopicsExpress


Anti-choice, anti-birth control, anti-womens health forces have won the election. They are so focused on controlling women and making sure they have babies, even ones theyre not prepared for. But where are they when those same women find it impossible to deal with parenting a difficult child? ::Crickets:: Oh, sure, some help new moms get set up with baby clothes and such. But theyre nowhere to be seen at 1 year, or during the terrible 2s and 3s, or anytime after that. But when, as in the case of these women, the mother snaps because she cant handle it any more, then those same people villify those women. Here are people who repeatedly reached out for help, cried out for help, and are now going to spend substantial portions of their lives in prison. So if they cant control our wombs, theyll make us crazy and throw us in prison. Because those folks have had thousands of opportunities to demonstrate that they care about children, but they dont care about children once theyre born. They just care about controlling women. Oh, BTW, San Antonio folks, if any of you pro-forced-birth people are reading, I know of a single mother who needs child care for 2 young children so she can work. Im sure youre all set to care for her kids for free, since she makes minimum wage (okay by yall, right?) and lives in a one bedroom shithole in a bad part of town (thats all she can afford.)
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 21:48:56 +0000

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