Any logical person can deduce that all police officers arent bad - TopicsExpress


Any logical person can deduce that all police officers arent bad or racist. In fact, most are kind and truly concerned with serving and protecting ALL citizens. However, with the amount of power that comes with wearing that badge and holding that gun it only takes one. make a peaceful, law abiding, tax-paying citizen feel hopeless, invalidated, and sometimes even fearful for their life. This isnt me commenting on things Ive seen on the news. This is me speaking from personal experience. Ive heard it said, recently and down through the years that, If he or she had just done what the police said, this or that wouldnt have happened. I believe that in many cases that is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. But what about the times (plural) when I, Jason Eskridge, have done exactly what I was supposed to do and still been made to feel like a second rate citizen or thug or fearful that I may not safely make it out of a situation because of the demeanor, tone, and manner of questioning being used by the individual who is policing me? I say all that to say this: Even if your personal experience makes it difficult for you to believe or empathize with another persons experience, PLEEEEEASE be cautious and thoughtful as you speak on the situation...or just stay silent. Many times when you speak words that have only been filtered through your worldview and your personal experience they come across as insensitive and ignorant. This makes it seem like your stance is, because I havent experienced it, it doesnt exist. Again, Im speaking from personal experience. To make things better WE ALL must realize that things need to be better and that there are systematic problems. For that to happen WE ALL must communicate with each other in a way that builds trust and understanding. For that to happen WE ALL must be willing to listen to and consider both sides of the story. #weneedeachother
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 15:01:13 +0000

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