Anyolite or Green Ruby Zoisite... Enhances The Connection Between - TopicsExpress


Anyolite or Green Ruby Zoisite... Enhances The Connection Between Your Brain and Heart. Ruby In Zoisite 20 Anyolite is the name used to describe the naturally occuring combination of Green Zoisite and Ruby. The green Zoisite energy is very much heart based, and it will stimulate positive feelings such as happiness and appreciation for all that you have in your life. This stone is a beautiful combination of color and of energy. It has a vibrant energy and will enhance the energetic and neural connections between your brain and your heart. This stone has a strong spiritual nature, that may alter your consciousness, and give you access to your soul memory, to help you with spiritual learning. It aids you to feel empathy for others and to be observant of your need to take care of your physical body. Where Does It Come From The largest deposits of the lovely combination of Ruby Zoisite are in India... but it is also found in Zambia Africa. The Zoisite within the stone is primarily a clear medium green... and it combines well with the deep magenta-red of the ruby in the stone. The difference in the two colors within the one stone is quite marked, and very beautiful. Sometimes the Anyolite stone also includes white and black patches mixed through the other colors. Why Would You Use Anyolite This stone is a mixture of red Ruby stone and green Zoisite.... and nature has created a truly wonderful combination of energies in this combined stone. It supplies a vibration that creates an altered state of consciousness... to help you to understand yourself and the world around you. Anyolite is a truly spiritual stone... and a powerful aid for anyone whose spirituality is ready to reawaken. Anyolite or Green Zoisite with Ruby Its vibration within the third eye chakra then combines with the heart chakra... as it enhances the energetic and neural connections between your brain and your heart. Its vibration is powerful at the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra. Centered there it encourages the mind to hear the desires of the heart, and to understand them enough to accomplish what is needed. How Will It Help You Within the stone is the vibration of the lovely Ruby Stone... and this energy within the stone enhances creativity and encourages passion for life. The unique harmony of the AnyoliteGreen Zoisite with Ruby or Ruby Zoisite stone... imparts a lovely sense of bliss... yet with a knowledge that you should embrace its accompanying feeling of exuberance for life. It stimulates the base chakra and brings through the feeling of the desire to live life with enthusiastic fervor and to embrace the exhilaration that this stone stimulates within you. Due to the vibration of the Ruby stone within it... its energy will confer psychic protection. By its activation of the crown chakra... it aids access to your soul memory, to help with your spiritual learning. This stone has a strong reaction within the third eye chakra... and its energy is powerful for rousing psychic abilities. It may aid you to learn to be psychic... and it may be used for communicating with spirit guides. Its energy will also stimulate you to begin developing your intuition. Wearing Ruby in Zoisite The green Zoisite within this stone contrasts so beautifully with the red of the ruby... and you often end up with very lovely pieces of jewelry. There is a lot of beautiful jewelry made with AnyoliteAnyolite stone. You may find that Anyolite jewelry is available in many places, as they particularly make lovely pendants, and the beads are also very attractive. Larger pieces of the stone will accentuate the contrast of the two colors beautifully. These lovely stones can be found on the Zodiac Birthstones list, as they are not only an Aries birthstone but also a Gemini birthstone. Wearing the stone on a regular basis... will amplify your bodys energy field and may boost how your aura can be visually seen. Its energy works well within the chest area... as it resonates at the heart chakra where the energy flows both above and below it... to the entire body. You may see also see the auras of other people... and if they are wearing or holding the stone... it may magnify the colors within their aura so you may more readily see them. If you cannot obtain jewelry made from Ruby Zoisite... it is easy to buy pieces of this stone... and it is an excellent idea to slip a piece into your pocket. Copyright: healing-crystals-for-you/anyolite.html Rhi )O(
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 11:27:11 +0000

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