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Apa pendapata teman teman mengenai Masa Depan PHP ? An Opinion On The Future Of PHP Theres been a lot of buzz in the community lately around PHP and its future. The vast majority of this buzz has been distinctly positive, which is awesome to hear. Theres been a lot of talk about PHP6 and what that might look like. Theres been a lot of questions around HHVM and its role in the future of the language and community. Well, let me share with you some of my thoughts in this space... On Backwards Compatibility In my opinion, backwards compatibility must be mostly maintained in a future major release (call it 6, 7, 99, enthusiastic elephpant, whatever). Now, when I say mostly, I do mean that some controlled breaks should happen. But those breaks should be well contained and well controlled. They also should ONLY target refining edge-case behavior and the like. That doesnt mean there cant be major internal refactoring. It doesnt mean things cant be cleaned up. It just means that they should broken in very controlled ways so as to not hurt user-land developers. Theres a really simple test to see if this is maintained: It must be easy to write a single codebase that executes on 5.X and 6.X (and any two consecutive major versions) Why is that important? Well, look at PHP4 - PHP5 transition. It was pretty easy to write code that worked on both, and it still took nearly 10 years for adoption to switch (in fact, it took a movement called GOPHP5 to pull off). Imagine if it was hard to write code that worked on both? Well, as it turns out, we dont have to imagine. Python did just that. Python 3 was first released nearly 5 years ago. And today, in 2014, it still sees trivial adoption rates. Not because it isnt good, but because its not easy to maintain a single codebase that works on both versions. Which means that you either use 2, or you use a subset of 2 that works in 3 (gaining the full benefit of neither). And if the libraries or platforms you need to use dont exist for 3, youre left to port it yourself (basically you are SOL). And in practice, thats exactly what happened. I dont want to say that its a mistake to do that. There are a TON of benefits to the language to make those kinds of changes. But to the community and the average user, its a show stopper IMHO. On An Engine Rewrite There have been people talking about rewriting PHPs engine to clean a lot of things up. While I can definitely see the benefits in it (the engine is a pretty hairy codebase), I have to question why it is needed. After all, what about todays architecture is fundamentally flawed? There are definitely architectural flaws in there, but for the most part it works pretty well. So, I would much rather see a component based refactor occur. Compartmentalize the engine into a series of subsystems. Today, thats actually partly done. But Id rather see it refactored to be practically pluggable. Why is that important? Well, once the engine is compartmentalized, then specific refactors can occur to actually make significant changes to the engine. For example, one of the messiest parts of PHP today is in the parser and compiler. Right now, they are so tightly coupled and messy that it causes a ton of issues with development. Instead, if they were compartmentalized, the parser could be swapped out, and the compiler could be swapped out. The common part in the middle would be an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree). Why an AST? Well, because its a common representation that both sides can use. Dont get me wrong, this would be a very significant amount of work, but would have HUGE benefits. For everything from better, consistent and more predictable syntax to adding the ability to define new syntax via PHP code (imagine being able to define DSLs in PHP that are actually first-class parts of the language). So no, a total rewrite isnt needed. A refactor is. A cleanup is. On Objectifying The Standard Library Some people have suggested that the core standard library should be refactored to promote scalars into behaving like objects. So that you can do things like this: $string = Foo; var_dump($string->length); // 3 var_dump($string->toLower()); // string(3) foo // etc While I admit this sounds like a cool idea, I dont think it should happen. The reason is simple, scalars are not objects, but more importantly they are not any type. PHP relies on a type-system that truly believes that strings are integers. A lot of the flexibility to the system is based that any scalar can be converted to any other scalar with ease. Now, this isnt necessarily a good thing, in fact a large number of bugs occur because of this. Its a leaky abstraction. But those types of edge-cases could be cleaned up. For example, you could raise a notice or warning or other catchable error/exception on a lossy cast from one type to another (so if you try to cast 123abc into a int, youd get told there was data loss). More importantly though, due to this loose type system, you cant 100% of the time know what type a variable will be. You can tell how you want to treat it, but you cant tell what it is under the hood. Even with casting or scalar type hinting it isnt a perfect situation since there are cases where types can still change. So that means that all scalar operations would need to be bound to all scalar types. Which leads to an object model where scalars have all of the math methods, as well as all of the string methods. What a nightmare... The Rise of HHVM Right now, today, as I write this, I dont recommend moving production systems to HHVM. There are a few reasons for it. And none of them is a fundamental reason. All of them are known. Time will tell if they get resolved, but I have high hopes. HHVM is controlled by a single company. Dont get me wrong, its not that Facebook is spending a lot of money on development thats the problem. Its that the project is controlled by a company whos business has no bearing or impact by your use of HHVM. It would be one thing if they sold support contracts and made it into a legitimate product, but as it stands its neither an open source project, nor a commercial one. Its a weird conglomerate. And I would be VERY wary to bind a production stack to that sort of a situation. HHVM has no public spec. That means that your code is basically the same as code written to run on the Zend engine. Its a trial and error case. And thats ok for a single implementation, but murder to try to support 2 or more implementations. As a library maintainer I have personally felt this pain, and will continue to. However, if HHVM and PHP were to agree on a common specification, then things would get a TON easier... HHVM is not run as an open source project. It does accept contributed code. Thats awesome. But a pull-request/patch queue doesnt make an open source project. Wheres the clarity of process? Wheres the clarity of vision? Wheres the open tooling? Wheres the leadership? I know Im not alone in these beliefs. HHVM will be a strong contender in the future. But IMHO, until the above issues are sorted out, its not ready for prime-time in a commercial production setting. Can Both PHP And HHVM Live Side-By-Side? Absolutely. Despite what some benchmarks woud like you to believe, JIT compilers arent magic. They come with real world tradeoffs. Many benchmarks show this specifically. In fact, if you look closely at the vast majority of the benchmarks, youll notice that they arent running real world code. Oh, youre comparing the performance of HelloWorld or a Fibonacci generator??? Good for you. Now please quiet down and throw away your meaningless results. Let me say that again, benchmarks that dont test real world systems are meaningless. They are just noise. They are worse than useless, they are downright dangerous. In practice, there are going to be use cases where HHVM will give a signifiant boost of speed. But there are also going to be cases where PHP will be faster. The only way for you to know is to test your application... But HHVM Runs My Code As Native! How Could PHP Be Faster Remember how I said JIT isnt magic? Well, thats true. You cant compile PHP natively directly, because its a dynamic language. Which means that you cant know enough about what code is going to do to compile it to native code until right before you execute it. So a JIT does just that. It analyzes the code being executed, and when it learns enough about it, it generates native code. Theres overhead to this process, which is why HHVM is slow on the command line. But more importantly, it doesnt generate universal code. It generates code thats specific to the conditions that existed when it was created. So if your function adds 2 integers, it may compile to a simple add instruction. But it will also add guard instructions to confirm that the parameters were integers. If you then pass a non-integer (which is perfectly valid PHP), one of the guards will fail. When the guard fails, something called a bailout happens. This basically means that the engine will undo everything that was done for the current method (effectively running it in reverse), and switch to the interpreted mode. Thats far more expensive than just running the interpreted mode in the first place. And thats just one way JIT compilers arent magic. I dont want this to sound like Im against JIT style compilers. Indeed, for the majority of code they will result in huge efficiencies. But they arent perfect. And if you look at other communities, youll see VM implementations right along side JIT compiler implementations. CPython and PyPy are two great examples. (Its also worth noting that python has a language spec, so you can easily move between competing implementations). But HACK Is Awesome! Hack is a new language that Facebook developed and included in HHVM. It is basically a statically typed version of PHP, with some AWESOME features built in... And Hack is incredible! I am really looking forward to my prior reservations about HHVM to be resolved so I can invest in it! And that leads to an interesting idea. Right now, there are several meta languages spinning up around PHP. Hack and Zephir being the two main ones. But theres a problem. Both are specific to a runtime (Hack only works on HHVM, and Zephir only works on PHP). How to solve that issue? Well, I would solve it by throwing away Zephir, and building a Hack->PECL compiler for Hack. Since Hack is statically typed, it should be possible to cross-compile between Hack and PECL. And considering that Hack already supports C++ bindings for binding to system libraries, the compiler could theoretically handle that as well. So then thered be no reason to write a PECL extension again. Youd build your extension in Hack, where you have static code analyzers and debuggers, get it to run, and then generate a 100% compatible PECL extension from it. Its not a trivial thing to build, but Id love to see it! (Again, another reason for a language spec). On A Language Specification So you may have noticed that Ive mentioned a few times already in this post about the need for a language specification... As a minor hint, I think thats the single most important thing that could happen to improve the future of PHP as a language, platform, ecosystem and community. Wrapping Up Its a very exciting time for PHP. Theres a ton of awesome things happening, and a ton of cool progress being made. If we want to keep it going, I think we just need to be smart about the choices we make... blog.ircmaxell/2014/03/an-opinion-on-future-of-php.html
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 03:33:35 +0000

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