Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares. Athena, Artemis, Demeter, Dionysus, - TopicsExpress


Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares. Athena, Artemis, Demeter, Dionysus, Hades, Pluto, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Hestia, Poseidon, Zeus, Oceanus, Themis, Helios, Eos, Memnon, Hypnos, Thanatos Sarpedon, Eros, Hebe, Eunomia, Pothos, Himeros, Anteros, Harmonia, Tyche, Amphiaraus, Angelos, Charon, Cronus, Lamia, Melinoe, Pontos, Proteus, Brizo, Hippocampi, Hydros, Ladon, Tethys, Thoosa, Palaemon, Galene, Triton, Acheios, Iris, Herse, Selene, Chaos, Aura, Arke, Eurus, Zephyrus, Yahushua, Yahuwe, Boreas, Aetna, Amphictyonis, Aristaeus, Chiron, Damneus, Caberiri, Acmon, Pan, Dryades, Thallo, Dike, Auxo, Pherousa, Satyrs, Pherousa, Euporie, Auge, Zagreus, Telete, Silenus, Acis, Cladeus, Lethe, Styx, Rhea, Adonis, Eunoistus, Hestia, Plutus, Minos, Ino, Demeter, Chrysothemis, Aceso, Epione, Aegle, Astraea, Charites, Aglaea, Ichnaea, Matton, Muses, Enyalius, Eileithyia, Harpocrates, Ceraon, Adnoartina, Alchera, Baiame, Darana, Einganu, Goanna, Erathipa, Julana, Papang, Mamu, Yara Ma, Yha Who, Waang, Ulanji, Allah, Jesus/Yeshua Nezha, Daluoxian, Jinhuan Yuanshuai, Jinkang Yuanshuai, Li Nezha, Louche Taizi, No-cha, Nezhataizi, Ne-Zha, Nuozha, Tailouxian, Taizi Yuanshuai, Yeuhuang Taizi, Taiziyeh, Zhongtan Yuanshuai, Lu-Pan, Tu-Ti, Kuan Ti, Hou-chi, Fu-Hsing, Chang O, Hsi Wang Mu, Apollo, Bacchus, Ceres, Cupid, Diana, Bellona, Juno, Janus, Flora, Faunus, Maia, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Libintia, Ops, Pales, Saturn, Minerva, Mithras, Venus, Pomona, Proserpine,Vulcan, Vesta, Vertumnus, Aine, Angus Og, Niamnh, Anu, Bel, Aabd Catha, Bran, Bris, Dagda, Macha, Labraid, Flidais, Dianchecht Arawn, Cerridwen, Araianrhod, Amaiethon, Dewi, Myrrdin, Elaine, Don, Math Ap Mathowyn, Gwydion, Blodeuwedd, Amida, Butsa, Baku, Amaterasu, Amatsu-Kami, Benten, Bosatsu, Chien-shin, Bimbogami, Gama, Hiruko, Gekka=o, Fujin, Fudo, Emma-o, Dosojin, Dainichi, Daikoku, Hiruko, Haya-Ji, Kaminari, Jizo, Raiden, Nyorai, Miro, Raiden, Ryo-Wo, Tenjin, Yabune, Yah, Uba, Jah, Uzume, Yamato, Bishamon, Ankt, Ashur, Anath, Agasaya, Andraste, Burijas, Dev, Chomosh, Camulus, Donar, Gun, Gu, Ictinike, Irmin, Erra, Enyo, Indra, Morrigan, Neith, Mextli, Mars, Menhit, Oro, Ogoun, Sakhmet, Resef, Minerva, Mentu, Sakhmet, Resef, Zababa, Tyr, Turris, Tu, Seth, Segomo, Samulayo, Zroya, Airmid, Artio, Balor, Branwen, Camalus, Cerunnos, Cyhiraeth, Giobhniu, Llyr, Lugh, Maeve, Mider, Nemian, Mider, Apis, Aphrodite, Anna Perenna, Anath, Achtland, Aeval, Allah, Ala, Albina, Amor, Amon, Apis, Baal, Ashtoreth, Bes, Bau, Bastet, BAngan, Athtart, Bidhgoe, Bintang, Enki, El, Ezili, Cotyd, Chac, Ca-th-na, Cythera, Dumuzi, Ezili, Hestia, Himerus, Hina, Ghede, Freya, Frey, Inanna, Hymen, Khem, Kapo, Kilya, Macha, Matronit, Lofn, Lada, Ken, Peko, Prende, Njord, Nambi, Mut, Min, Morongo, Peitho, Oshun ana, Shiva, Tammuz, Tane, Sif, Sessrumnir, Satis, Rod, Rati, Tellus, Zoria, Zizilia, Xipe Totec, Vesta, Var, Urvasi, Ursule, Thor, Thailia, Atlas, Ares, Ea, Enlil, Epona, Ereskigal, Ganga, Hades, Gaia, Hotei, Hod, Hygeia, Ishtar, Isis, Ixtab, Inti, Janus, Ki, Kingu, Kvasir, Marduk, Mimir, Nut, Nintu, Neith, Nanna, Odin, Osiris, Ostara, Phoebe, Pilumnus, Poseidon, Rama, Re, Ra, Sin, Seti, Shu, Thoth, Sol, SHen Yi, Tiamat, Tefnut, Utu, Vesta, Vishnu, Xipe, Yhwh, Yam, Yum Kimil, Yarikh, Ymir, Hercules, Lethe, Priam, Sibyl, Anchises, Furies, Vergil, An, Ah Puch, Anansi, Anshar, Atlas, Apsu, Ares, Bellona, Ehyeh, Elaha, Japa, Yahweh, YHW(V)H, El, Lord, Iesus, Yeshua, Y(J)ehova, Shangdi, Shen, Zhu, Hu, Huwa, Parvadigar, Allah-u-Abha, Bahaullah, Waheguru, Ek Onkar, Satnam, Akai Purakh, Nirankar...to name a few... One thing we need to remember about these gods..people then were as devout and as sincere in their beliefs in the existence, power, and relevance of their gods as people today are in theirs. There are even people today who believe in and worship the Greek pantheon of gods. There is no substantive difference between the belief and worship in the Greek pantheon and the god of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and others. Separating some religious beliefs into mythology and others into religion seems to help some religious theists imagine that their beliefs are more sensible, more rational, and more true than ancient superstitions. Revealing the reality of ancient religious beliefs can thus be an important tool in undermining the arrogance of popular religious beliefs by revealing how much they really have in common with ancient beliefs too often derided as superstitious and mythological. Religion can be much more complex than most people realize, but religions are often much more similar than most people realize as well. Only a broad study of religion, including ancient mythology, is enough to overcome popular ignorance.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 20:12:21 +0000

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