Apparently David Thorhaug wants to try to put me on blast on - TopicsExpress


Apparently David Thorhaug wants to try to put me on blast on Facebook and try to get people to think that I dont appreciate what he does and that I talk bad about him to Emily. So just to clear this up everyone knows I dont ask you for anything. Even if I did I wouldnt get it because you cant keep a job. In three years youve paid only three and a half months worth of child support. So theres nothing to take for granted. I dont even push for it because trying to get your money is not worth Emily asking me where her daddy is. I take care of her financially on my own and if it werent for Lynsey Burkhalter and Linda Dubberly helping me out as much as they do theres no telling where me and Emily would be because according to you the other day in flash foods parking lot where you proceeded to tell me in front of Emily that you were going to move to Florida to keep from going to jail for not paying me child support because its stupid that you have to worry about it when youre trying to make a life with the girl youre with now and the baby you have at home and you dont see why you even have to pay and youve been studying law to get out of having to pay it. I dont need you to help me take care of her. I can do that myself, as I obviously have been. But if youre gonna leave just go. But you will be the one to tell her youre going and just dont come back. I want her to have her daddy in her life more than anything. She loves you unconditionally. She always wants to be with you and I usually let her anytime she wants. But if the responsibility is too much for you to help take care of the baby you helped make then go. Because youre right that the truth will come out and she will understand when shes older. You think that she doesnt understand much now but she does. She was so worried about you the other day when you left flash foods because you told her you wouldnt be around much longer. I can help heal her heart while shes young. Shes got so many family members and friends that love her. but what she wants is you all the time. But that wont last forever the way you talk to me in front of her. She loves me too, and the reason she didnt mind staying away from me for a while us because she knows Im gonna be there when she comes home. She doesnt worry about me the way she does about you and youre family and everyone else knows it. So just make your decision and stick with it.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 16:48:57 +0000

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