** Appeals to the verdict handed out on 18th July are imminent - TopicsExpress


** Appeals to the verdict handed out on 18th July are imminent ** Whilst the family wait for an appeal to be lodged by the defence counsel within the 14 day window following the verdict, a number of people have been asking if the positive convictions handed out by Judge Rohini Walgama were a satisfactory outcome for the grieving party and would they simply accept any appeal submitted by the accused party. It is important to make it very clear that this campaign has with stood many obstacles and rest assured any attempts to an appeal aiming to question/revoke the sentence will be viewed with corresponding action taken. Such high profile case with international interest is not suddenly going to go quiet because the first step of charges were enforced. If anything, charges of 20 years against the 4 accused were a lighter punishment than the ultimate goal of life imprisonment the Shaikh family and many others expected. Finally, many have asked to have the statements made by both Khurams brother and that of the British High Commission following the verdict to be shared. Please see below. Thanks. STATEMENT FROM NASSER SHAIKH IN SRI LANKA FOLLOWING KHURAM SHAIKH VERDICT: “Today, the country has done what many people hoped and prayed for. Those who killed my brother have been punished and are now behind bars for a long time. Our campaign was not only about justice, but to bring awareness of the wonderful work my brother did around the world, working in humanitarian aid. He is a true inspiration for many and we hope his legacy continues with those he left behind. Whilst our family and friends find it difficult to come to terms with the tragic loss, I hope today can bring some comfort to everyone involved that we achieved the justice we set out for and the country can move forward in a better place for many, ensuring no other person suffers the same fate as my brother. I wish to thank everyone who embarked on my personal journey around the world and supported it immensely, which includes the Sri Lankan public. I would also like to thank the British Government who have been instrumental in seeking answers for our family, the Sri Lankan officials for progressing the trial towards its resolution, but more importantly to acknowledge the bravery and defiance shown by those who gave witness accounts in the case. Today is a symbolic moment: A day the country delivered justice – a day I delivered my promise to a brother.” STATEMENT FROM BRITISH HIGH COMMISSION IN SRI LANKA FOLLOWING KHURAM SHAIKH VERDICT: “We welcome the verdicts and sentences handed down today to those responsible for the murder of Khuram Shaikh. We hope that this will begin some closure for his family and friends who have faced a long and difficult fight for justice. The officials of the Attorney General’s office have shown great professionalism and integrity and we would like to thank them. We will continue to monitor any developments in the case closely.”
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 20:00:12 +0000

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