Aquarius Female These women are beautiful and social creatures, - TopicsExpress


Aquarius Female These women are beautiful and social creatures, but they are faithful and honest. It is recommended that you don’t betray an Aquarius female by cheating on her, as forgiveness will not be forthcoming. She is a unique woman that is unpredictable, unconventional and independent. For example, this lady will not follow a cooking recipe exactly, and she will always add her own experimental touch to everything she does. Her imagination is endless and she requires freedom from a structured life to pursue her interests. Her inquiring mind will fascinate you, they do not accept or complain about things that don’t make sense, but instead they offer a workable solution. This lady is very interested and needs to know the inner workings of something. The Aquarian female is a friend to all because she has a patient ear and gives solid advice, when asked. She loves to know the innermost thoughts of people, but likes to keep a bit of mystery about herself. This intelligent woman is not prone to gossip or get caught up in trivial matters as she keeps herself busy with more important things. Intelligence over affluence will win this lady over, but marriage is not something that she takes lightly and will not rush into a commitment. She must find you interesting, stimulating and an intellectual equal to her or she will get easily bored; A Libra or Gemini would make excellent mates for an Aquarian female. If you have a controlling manner, this woman is not for you, as she is not willing to forfeit her “freedom”. In the same manner, if you are insecure and constantly need feedback and reassurance that an Aquarian female loves you, you are better to seek companionship elsewhere. The woman born between January 21st and February 19th will not tolerate disloyalty or infidelity. Once the trust is broken, she will usually be unforgiving as she has been hurt deeply by your actions, and will move on to someone who is faithful. Although she is not considered to be the most passionate of the horoscope signs, she will be a loving and romantic partner, and she will not be possessive of you or be a jealous lover. She will expect the same from you. It is advised to become a friend of an Aquarian female before considering and pursing a more intimate relationship. Due to her mysterious nature, she can appear to be aloof, but she is a faithful companion. She is known to be a “social butterfly”, but you should never doubt her commitment to you, even if she does not display much public affection (which these ladies are not prone to do). An Aquarius female cheating wife you will not have by your side as long as you give her the space she requires to fulfill her interests, her career and time with her friends.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 03:14:32 +0000

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