Are we really going to let Rick Scott buy his way into the - TopicsExpress


Are we really going to let Rick Scott buy his way into the governor’s mansion -- again? So far, more than $18.5 million of special-interest cash has poured into Scott’s special campaign account. Big insurance corporations, healthcare companies, gambling interests, utilities… Rick Scott’s contributor list reads like the Fortune 500. It’s classic “pay to play” government – but there’s one thing that none of these giant corporations can do – they can’t vote! I’m running a people-powered, grassroots campaign fueled by hard work and small contributions from friends and supporters like you! It will be VOTES not CASH that wins this election. And I know that every person who contributes to our campaign is also a vote we can count on – a vote that will send Scott packing and get Florida back on the right track! Rick Scott spent $73 million of his own money to buy the election last time. This time, he’s using special interest cash and may spend as much as $100 million. Your contribution to our campaign sends a clear message to the special interests and Rick Scott: Florida is NOT for sale! Help us deliver that message – go to nanrich2014/contribute to make a donation. Thank you! Nan Rich
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 20:41:08 +0000

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