Are you WILLING to forsake ALL? To SACRIFICE? A great question - TopicsExpress


Are you WILLING to forsake ALL? To SACRIFICE? A great question for a self-evaluation.....ONLY you & God can answer it. Are you striving to be the nice person or the OBEDIENT child of God. Some mistakenly believe they can live in the world while holding Gods hand. They attend church weekly & listen to Christian music often. They try to be a good friend to others & stay positive. They strive to be tolerant of each individual and to accept people just as they are. They proclaim the Love & Tolerance message often. They really love their church group & they enjoy the relationships formed there. The church gave them a sense of belonging. It encourages them & the sermons make them feel good. They feel great after each service. Hmmmmm..... Rebirth in Christ CHANGES us, that is why it is a REBIRTH. We are NEW! We put on Christ when we truly accept Him. It is something that each reborn child can describe VIVIDLY. This new you hungers for Christ....seeks Him out, searches His Word, learns His ways. The reborn child of God no longer cares to please men, because he now sees ALL men in a new Light, through the condition of their spirit. Suddenly everyone becomes EITHER bright beacons of Gods Light or pathetic lost souls that are in need of The Gospel & GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ!!! The reborn child is endlessly thankful to Jesus Christ for the gift of His Blood & he ceaselessly strives to share that gift with others. Discernment & fruits are the markers along the way. The Holy Spirit is the guide. The Word of God is the measuring stick for all. Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord AND Savior? Have you received the gift of the Holy Spirit? Here is a great way to check the condition of your own spirit.....When in a room with familiar friends (nonBelievers), do you mention God to them? If they are engaged in activity that goes against God, do you conform too? Do you find yourself wearing two for at church & the other for real life? Did you receive Christ through praying a sinners prayer? If you answered yes to the last question, then immediately after you recited the prayer did you feel or detect ANY change in yourself? God wants EVERY man to come to Him. If you are in ANY doubt of receiving Christ & being reborn, it is NOT too late. Christ comes to us through GENUINE repentance. We must admit we are nothing & wretched sinners. We must proclaim that we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and our Lord & Savior, that He shed His blood to cover our sins. That He died for us AND rose again. We must leave our sins & old self at the cross......We WILL emerge REBORN from that genuine step of Faith. **just my little trumpet** God bless!! ~~JSA
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 12:11:48 +0000

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