Are you in a long distance Relationship? Here are some keys to - TopicsExpress


Are you in a long distance Relationship? Here are some keys to keeping your relationship strong when you’re apart: 1) Be committed......In order to flourish, long-distance relationships must be intentional and defined. There is nothing worse than being in a relationship and fearing that he/she will forget you and dump you for someone local. Reassure your boy/girlfriend of your commitment by making him/her a priority. Share with Him/her why you love her/him and let him/her know that you miss him/her. 2) Build the spiritual side of your relationship......As a Christian, God should be the center of your relationship. Whether you’ve been together two weeks or two years, it’s never too early to start building each other up in the Lord. You may not be able to attend church or Bible studies together, but you can do a Bible study on your own using either the phone or e-mail. You can also listen to sermons online and discuss them. One of the things I treasure is the prayer routine my Girlfriend and I established. It started when we were separate countries and continues today. Every night we end our phone conversations with prayer, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that blessing. “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful” (Colossians 4:2). 3) Set a date........No,I don’t mean the wedding! Always try to set the date of your next visit as soon as possible, so when you say “goodbye” you’ll know when you’re going to see each other again. It gives you a tangible dateto look forward to and makes it easier to be apart. Setting a date far in advance also helps you arrange your activities/work schedule around that person’s visit. 4) Get in the zone......When you’re in different time zones, one person may be eating dinner when the other one is getting ready for bed. Or one will call at 6 a.m. for a little “chat” because it’s already 9 a.m. in their time. This can get old quickly—especially if you’re not a morning person. 5) Be grateful......Believe it or not, there are things to be thankful forregarding long-distance relationships. One of the biggest highlights is that, because of the distance, you have to talk. Many times dating/courting revolves around activities, like dinner, movies, family gatherings, and church events. But long distance doesn’t give you that luxury; you have nothing to do but talk. As a result, you will not only learn a lotabout the person and how s/he thinks, but also about how to communicate effectively with him/her. So, rather than dwelling on the negative, take a minute to think of something you are grateful for. 6) Do things together when apart......You don’t have to be sitting side by side to enjoy experiencing something together.My best friend and her boyfriend watched an entire golf tournament together one weekend. They made it fun by “betting” on who would win. The loser had to bake the winner brownies and express mail them. With Skype, the possibilities are endless. You can watch a movie, listen to music, and even eat dinner together —just be sure to keep your computer at a safe distance from your meal! 7) Be careful......When you finally do have the opportunity to be together, be careful. Both of you will have a lot of pent-up emotions. Make sure that you don’t let hormones get the best ofyou. Pray beforehand and, as a safeguard, meet in well-populatedareas. Stay accountable by remaining in settings that include family and friends. It may take more work and planning, but remember the old saying, “It’s better to be safe than sorry.” Send thoughtful packages. E-cards, e-mails, and texts are wonderful, but there is just something special about holding a tangible gift from the one you love. It doesn’t have to be expensive; it just has to be a thoughtful object from you. For example, for his graduation, I made. T-shirts, homemade cards, stuffed animals, baked goods… Send them something, and you’ll be sure to make his day—and week! 9) Learn about your boyfriend/girlfriend’s interests......When you learn about his/her hobby, it doesseveral things: - Makes you feel connected to him/her - Provides another topic of discussion - Gives you a new activity to do together - Builds a deeper sense of appreciation for his or her hobby/work.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 16:29:59 +0000

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