Are you in debt? Are you experiencing one of the most challenging - TopicsExpress


Are you in debt? Are you experiencing one of the most challenging seasons in your life? Are you so financially stress that you do not know what you are going to do next? If you are going through a financial crisis you are not alone. I have counseled numerous people who are also experiencing financial challenges. The biggest debt that I have personally counseled was over 200 million pesos. NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF DEBT: LACK OF SLEEP They keep on thinking where the money will be coming from to pay off their credit. They are thinking of who are the people that they can still borrow from. ANGRY Do you know someone who is often irritable and angry? Chances are these people are going through some financial stress. Their fuse is running short. They do not want to talk to many people and they tend to take life too seriously. They become angry with themselves for getting into this untenable position in the first place. They are angry at their work that it is not paying you enough. They are angry with their loved ones that they are not controlling their spending. They are angry with their creditors that they have little compassion with their predicament. STRESS Arguments inside the home becomes a norm and kids would often see their parents either discussing, arguing, accusing or even shouting at each other and blaming each other for the financial situation that they are in. This creates so much stress not only to the parent but also to the children who are caught in between the firefight. HOPELESSNESS When a person is in a deep financial debt or stress over a period of a long time. Debts issues takes over the center of their life. Depression and the feeling of hopelessness will set in because they believe that their situation is unsolvable and will never change. This is a dangerous stage, left unchecked will lead to other form outlet such as drinking, smoking or a depressed person may withdraw from the world, stay in bed all day, weep uncontrollably or think of adventurous things even harming themselves. People who are going through financial crisis has been very close to my heart. I can still remember when I was around 11 years old; my life was typically normal living with a family that can afford the normal luxury of life. But a tragic incident happened, my father business collapsed and many of his so called friends abandoned him and his partners left him also a huge amount of debt for him to pay. That was the turning point of our lives, major lifestyle changes need to be made; from the food that we eat, clothes and shoes that we wear and eating out with the family becomes rare. I witnessed how friends and relatives avoided him like a disease and how creditors would humiliate my father in front of others since he had no money to pay. My father was pushed into depression and exhibited all the signs that I just mentioned above. I saw him staring out through the window as if he was zone out. I felt his pain and the feeling of hopelessness he cannot escape. The feeling of worthlessness that he cannot help in providing for his familys needs. The fear of starting all over again, since his name and reputation was already tainted and thinking that no one will ever trust him again. That is the reason why I it has been my life long passion as a Wealth Coach to help people to become financially literate and debt-free. It has been my life long passion to help people to get out of their situation. If you are in a debt crisis and may feel all of the things that I mentioned. You may feel that you have exhausted all possibilities but nothing seems to be working your way. May I ask have you come to God and ask for His help? If you did, did you consider Him to be your first or last option? Where are you placing your trust? Is it on your job, business, relatives, friends, or God? Let me encourage you that God is not deaf or neither dead. Let me leave you with two of the most powerful verse that anyone in a financial situation can claim. Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Proverbs 3:5,6 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways remember him. Then he will make your paths smooth and straight. You may think and feel that you are running out of hope and options but let me encourage you that it is not yet the end of the road. You just got to TRUST, BELIEVE AND SURRENDER. To know more about how to get out of debt in a simple yet practical way, please view this video link https://youtube/watch?v=zXo29m33FQw
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 14:59:32 +0000

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