Aristotle was correct when he said that the top earners in a - TopicsExpress


Aristotle was correct when he said that the top earners in a company should not earn more than six times the wages of the bottom earners. He was also correct when he said that income equality would eliminate the slave master relationship and the need for it. Our current system has too much economic disparity with 500 to 1000 or more multiple of the highest corporate earners to the lowest. This high of a wage disparity leads to the growth of radical and violent militias representing the majority of the people. Currently, the top 1 million people in the world control the majority of the wealth. That translates to one person in 7,000 living like kings while 13 of 14 live in poverty and nearly 1 in 14 are considered to be in the middle class, which is really a range from the poverty line to wealthy. Even among this small sub-group, there is great division. The division between the lowest earners and the wealthiest is so great that that we could never expect these two groups to co-exist peacefully. This is exactly why we have leaders who spend extreme amounts of money on national defense and security. If we eliminate this economic disparity, we will achieve security with a minimal national defense budget, thereby reducing the economic overhead of our national defenses on our economic systems in all nations. It does not make sense to put all the money in the hands of a few people. That is why monopoly and anti-trust laws were enacted. It does not make sense to alienate most of humanity just to benefit a few. It always leads to revolution, civil war, famine, disease and ultimately the destruction of civilization. If we have not learned this lesson from history, then we are truly not civilized at all, and are destined to suffer the same fate as all other extinct species. There are many very talented people who could make considerable contributions to humanity, if they had the economic resources to compete in the local or world markets. The disparity of income prohibits these people from engaging or competing with the monopolies. The super wealthy will not lend them the money they need to pursue a great idea; they just starve them out and take the ideas as if they were their own. They use illegal computer hacking, capital monopolies, theft and other unscrupulous tactics to commandeer any idea they fancy or deem critical to their monopoly control. Rarely does the inventor of an idea receive credit for their invention, process or discovery. This acknowledgement is reserved for the ultra-rich and a few privileged individuals. I often wonder, if this has been true throughout all of humankind’s existence, or if this is a relatively new phenomenon resulting from the exacerbated economic disparity. This type of economic disparity is a modern day form of slavery that must not be tolerated. I have seen first-hand what it can do to families, companies, states, countries and humanity. I have been a victim of the predatory nature of the ruling class monopolies in a family, business and government. My ideas have been stolen thru various means. My income and wealth have been absconded by the unscrupulous activities of predatory parties and my self-esteem and internal fortitude curtailed as a result. All of this has stifled my creativity, in the end has had a detrimental effect on humankind’s evolution, and in some cases has led to economic collapse. How long can the majority of the population tolerate this oppression? Looking at the current state of the human condition, I do not foresee this lasting long. A global movement, which has been brewing for some time now, is trying to address these issues. Even our congress is beginning to realize the error of our ways and is beginning to address these problems. The time for change is now before it is too late. A peaceful change is always preferred over a violent revolution. The sooner we repair this disparity the less chance there is that violent revolution will be required to alleviate the disparity. It is up to us as citizens, to exercise our due diligence and do our research thoroughly when electing our representatives. We must be able to look beyond the sound bites and political games that candidates play and evaluate the values, policies and character of the candidates with a watchful and perceptive eye. We have to be able to evaluate the consequences and results of their policies, ideals and vision for our future. We have to have a strong understanding of the socioeconomic and cultural relationships between policy and society. Our task is formidable if we are to do it successfully, but it is within our capabilities, especially if we work together and try to understand everyone’s point of view. I hope you have enjoyed my perspective and I welcome your comments, thoughts and suggestions.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 01:49:52 +0000

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