Article: How to translate medical jargon for young children (via - TopicsExpress


Article: How to translate medical jargon for young children (via impactednurse) (Your comments or own tips welcome) ----------------- Equipment: - Topical anaesthetic cream: The cream on your skin helps to make your skin feel numb. Numb means that you can’t feel that part as much or not at all. - Bandage For a wound or fracture – this helps to keep your sore (name body part) nice and safe. - For an intravenous catheter – this helps keep the straw in your hand. - Blood pressure cuff: This goes around your arm and gets tight. It doesn’t stay tight for long. It helps to know how strong your heart is pumping. - Cardiac monitor leads: These are the buttons on your tummy and chest – the long strings go to the monitor and help check how your heart is beating. - Monitor: Your body is drawing lines on the screen – this helps us look after you. - Electrocardiogram (ECG): These stickers on your chest, arms and legs connect to the ECG machine and give a picture of how your heart is beating. It is important to keep still while we are taking the picture. - Intravenous catheter (IVC): A small straw or tube that goes into your vein to give your body a drink of medicine. - Stethoscope: Helps to hear the sounds the inside of your body makes – how your heart is beating, how you are breathing. - Tape: Special hospital sticky tape to make sure the straw (IVC) stays in the your hand. Tegaderm Like big clear sticky tape. - Tourniquet: Looks like a belt that goes around your arm. It may feel tight – its job is to find the best veins. Procedures: - Anaesthetic Medicine: we give you through the straw in your hand or with a mask that makes you go to sleep so the doctor can (name procedure). You will not feel anything and when it is finished you will wake up. - Blood test: A needle that goes under the skin to take a very small amount of blood. Explain reason for blood test. Tells the doctor information about how to make you better. - Fasting: You cannot eat or drink anything. Explain reason why in developmentally appropriate terms. - Flush intravenous catheter (IVC): Water goes into the straw with the syringe to make sure it is working. - Fracture reduction: Putting the broken bone back in the right spot so that it can get better. - Infusion: Medicine that takes a bit of time to go through the straw and into your body. - Injection: Medicine that we put into your body with a small needle. - Nitrous oxide: Special medicine air that comes out through the mask. You can’t see it. It helps make the pain go away. Some children say it makes them have funny dreams. It is sometimes called laughing gas because it makes some people laugh a lot. - Observations ‘obs’: The nurses do ‘obs’ to see how your body is working. ‘Obs’ mean they find out how fast your heart is going and how quickly you are breathing. - Oxygen saturation (sats): This machine is like a peg that sits on your finger. It tells us how your lungs are working. - Ondansetron wafer: A medicine that helps to make your tummy better and stops the vomiting. It is small and goes on your tongue. You don’t need to swallow it. - Procedure/treatment room: A different room to go to for your ‘name of procedure’. It has everything the doctors and nurses need. Mum and/or dad (caregiver) can come with you when you go there. - Suture: Like a band aid made out of strings to hold your skin together so it can heal the best (explain steps of procedure if developmentally appropriate). - Urine collection/checking urine: Checking to see how healthy your wee/pee is.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 01:30:08 +0000

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