As I am getting ready for church this morning, I was thinking how - TopicsExpress


As I am getting ready for church this morning, I was thinking how over the years, I have been helped by many people. Either with encouraging words, offers of prayers, and even financial support when I was down to nothing! Yes, I too have been in that predicament! We all have been in situations where we needed help in some way, form or fashion. How do you say thanks when someone shows you a kindness? Do you buy them a present? Do you send them a card? What about a phone call? Either way, you attempt to express your feeling of gratitude in a small but noticeable way. It is our social custom, that people who receive kindness, should respond by saying thank you. It expected, whether it is heartfelt or not. Saying thanks is easy for some, but there are others who find it hard to do because they find it as a humbling experience. I have learned the spirit of gratitude and thankfulness! We should even give God thanks for the sunshine and the rain, the joy and the pain; for our losses and our gains. I have found that I can show my thanks the best by keeping my promises to God and continually praising Him in the good and bad times! Think of it like this, what would you do if you suddenly found out that this Thanksgiving Day coming up, would be the last one you would ever share with your family and friends? Would your plans for the day change? Would you spend the day watching parades on television? Would you spend it all cooking food and fellowshipping with family and friends? Would you sleep all day? Your response to this question depends upon what purpose and distinction you place on being thankful. If you view life as a way relax, kick back, and eat good food, you might do a few things differently. If you view it as a day to sleep or watch football, you might change a few more things. However, if you view it as an opportunity to praise the Lord, you will probably gather all of your family together under one roof and talk about God and praise Him and thank Him for the good things He has done. Your last Thanksgiving would not be spent like all the others, but you would be giving praise and thanks to God for His mercy and His goodness. There are many who feel that life as given them a bum deal and they have nothing for which to give thanks. History tells us when the pilgrims came to America, their first year was not all pumpkin pie. Many of them died of diseases and cold. They endured hardships and difficulties, troubles and trials. However, when the harvest came they looked beyond their problems and saw all of the other ways God had blessed them, and gave Him thanks. That was the first Thanksgiving Day in America. Each of us have shared similar moments, with lifes trials and tribulations. It has happened financially, spiritually, physically and emotionally. Today, remember to give thanks to God for everything; thats where your blessing lie. God bless you all!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 15:25:05 +0000

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