As I have tinternet access for the first time in ages I would like - TopicsExpress


As I have tinternet access for the first time in ages I would like to let you all know what happened last Friday etc. I was feeling unwell during the day but made it into work in the evening, after what could only have been 10/15 mins of moving stock and setting up I had the on set of severe chest pains and cramping down my arm. Yes you were all witnessing me have a heart attack at work! Convinced it couldnt be anything stupid like the obvious, I drove home and arrived with blue/purple face and hands,trouble breathing etc. My wonderful and calm other half Jessica May, managed through the chaos of me stopping breathing and having no pulse 3 times to call and effectively pass on all pertinent info to the amazing and I truly do mean amazing people of the paramedics and Ambo crews that treated me on scene and successfully rushed me straight to the critical cardiovascular unit in Walsgrave. (Sorry Georgia James-Olner, I know you guys were racing to me but the other crews were a bit closer) I was rushed straight to the cardiovascular suite where I lay watching as a stent was threaded through a main artery in my wrist directly into the effected artery in my heart. Im pleased to say that the procedure was a success and I have had no cardiac events since so far. I have a loooong and life altering road to recovery (and what feels like 30 different medicines I now have to take daily for the rest of me natural). Other than what is to be expected pains aches and general who dropped a bomb on me feeling, things are starting to take a turn for the positive. I would love to invite those of you who have asked/attempted to visit me but I shall have to wait a few days as good old Walsgrave have sent me home with the wonderful gift of C. Diff!!! As and when I can receive visitors I would ask that you bare in mind that I currently get tired very quickly and easily and dont take it personally if I fall asleep or need to lie down. (I fell asleep twice writing this status lol) Again thanks for the well wishes and hope to see some of you soon
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 22:06:34 +0000

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