As I reflect on my time with SASE, I want to share the very - TopicsExpress


As I reflect on my time with SASE, I want to share the very interesting journey that led me to where I am. I have to step back awhile to give a fuller perspective. Growing up, I had surrounded myself with people from different backgrounds ( Reggie, Alberto, Joe, etc.). When I went to Mines, it was quite the shock: 90%+ white and 88% male. Some of the minority kids hung around MEP, so that was where I felt comfortable. At my college, SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers) and NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) were starting by MEP (at the time, Minority Engineering Program) when I was a freshmen (think late 80s). Back then, there wasnt a lot of Asian kids at Colorado School of Mines (CSM). So about 5 of us, started the Asian Student Association (ASA) in the early 90s. When I came back to Mines in 2006 as the Director of MEP, I looked for a way to help transform ASA into a professional and national organization. At the time, we didnt find an organization like SHPE or NSBE for Asians, so we ( Theresa, Marilou, Adam, Matt, Josh, Rachel, Paul, Matthew, Ricky, Lisa, Adam Hensel, Dr. Jag, Helen, others) created PASES (Professional Asian Society of Engineers & Scientists) in 2007. We were humming along and added CSU (Victor) and a CU pilot chapter. In 2009, we looked around to see if there was anyone out there and saw SASE. We contacted them, but no response. We contacted them in 2010 again and received a call from Tom Fernandez. Come to find out PASES and SASE shared a similar mission. We were at a cross-road. PASES could either compete with SASE or join them. On a Monday in December, I get a call from Tom about a SASE holiday get together the coming weekend. Mind you, I am in Colorado and he is in Ohio. I decided to go and it was the beginning of my SASE journey. Needless to say, PASES formally decided to join SASE. I started out as a volunteer on the collegiate committee. When John Cheng ended his limited term after the 1st national conference in 2010, the executive director position was open and John encouraged me to apply. Since being the ED, I have been privileged to experience so many wonderful examples of leadership, dedication, passion, growth and above all friendships. SASE now host the largest career fair for Asian Americans. In 2014, SASE will host the largest conference for Asian Americans. It has been an exciting ride, but we are far from reaching our goals. I envision a conference with over 10,000 attendees from 100s of college and professional chapters. SASE will organize, educate, network, inform, and develop many future leaders. I am proud of this movement and the people behind it. Happy New Year!
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 07:28:06 +0000

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