As I see the issues of Missouri.......its all about low grade - TopicsExpress


As I see the issues of Missouri.......its all about low grade peoples whose only interest is self gain and gratification !!!!! For the act of TREASON ...burning an American Flag... shows U.S. it is NOT about any kind of justice or equality!!! It is simply about the opportunity to take advantage of this occurrence to stir the pot of animosity for the purpose of dissent throughout the land!!!! Any more than OJ Simpson or the Zimmerman case; this is an event which the throngs who have taken to the street are using just for the chance to again loot. plunder, pillage and cause even further divide between the races. The word JUSTICE has no place for their actions either here and now over this second event in Missouri nor over the first killing of THUG Michael Brown!! Given the number of gang related black on black shootings across the land it is ONLY something involving PREVALENCE of POLICE PRESENCE which brings the maggots out from the stench of the dead bodies!!!! The mere fact that these people who respond in this NEGATIVE WAY indicates very strongly that they are not interested in justice but rather civil disturbance and the brainless who allow themselves to be sheep and follow the front to the cliff..... as the leaders step aside to avoid their death and the sheep go falling over!!!! Darren Wilson in FEAR of his life being taken or severely destroyed as a result of the BRUTALITY of Brown upon him reacted to his training as would any Law Enforcement Officer. He is trained to respond to just such occurrences!!!! In this second incident, after being fired on THREE times the officer used his training to first defend himself and to protect others who could have been killed or injured as a result of a criminals action of wildly discharging a weapon within close proximity of other human beings!!!!! Given these same circumstances.......which does happen every day across America ......there aint a thug or violent black criminal out there who would not do exactly the same thing.....defend themselves against somebody shooting at them!! BUT.................... there will be NO indignation against the culture of criminality of black gang members any more than against the case currently against U.S. by radical killer muslims!!!!! If anything blacks today are joining the ranks of muslim nationwide as a sign of defiance and objection to what they perceive as American white rules!!! Real BLACK leadership would be persons standing at the front of the crowd telling them to go home! To cease and desist! To utilize what is theirs properly and rightfully the system of justice through the courts. America is not about so many rights for any populace to turn criminal against the government......... it is about the right to respond as Americans to any INJUSTICE the lawful way!!!! I know its not going to change as long as the education process is circumvented by those who use students to further corrupt them to radical thinking and ways; as long as the so called black leadership gains off the backs of those they expose to the violence, they incite and stand back from, will WILLINGLY AND UNCHALLENGED open themselves to return violence!!!! This America today lead by the one elected for whatever reason, will NOT be the responsible administration to UNITE and put together the TRUE MEANING OF EQUAL for ALL!!!! God Bless America and all Her Peacekeepers. and ................. DAMN ALL WHO WOULD SEEK THE DESTRUCTION OF THE GREATEST NATION EVER BORN IN HISTORY!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 14:41:53 +0000

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