As I sit here, at home, in the comfort of my bedroom, my mind - TopicsExpress


As I sit here, at home, in the comfort of my bedroom, my mind started thinking. I began to go through of all the events that had happened within the three years since I started working. Without a doubt, I felt and went through most emotional turmoil while working in Leychoon as compared to anywhere and anything else. I laughed, I cried, I got angry, I became depressed, I hated and I loved. I got burned, I got criticized and I learned. Perhaps, I had made enemies and gain people to dislike or hate me, but most importantly, I found friends who I adore and love. This is what pulled my heart strings the most. As I was so excited to leave it behind, to close the door and release the baggage that was resting on my shoulders, preventing to make any good progress of my own, I failed to realized that Im leaving the good part of it behind as well. The people that Ive developed feelings for, the people who became a part of my life and made living better. The past one year was extremely tough on me. Dealing with fighting on your own for family of four and dealing with working, along with people who you couldnt trust, seeing the people who you love and adore, leaving one by one and doing the job that you hated, day after day after day. It kills a bit part of you everyday. Living without any sense of positivity does that but thankfully, I wasnt consumed by it. Because when after those who matters to me left and all things seemed to be bleak and gloomy, I was given the chance to sit close by the two last remaining pillars of what I was so familiar, so at ease with, and I desperately and pathetically clung to in order to get by. They had made it better and I couldnt be more thankful. There is always a silver lining among the dark clouds. We teased, joked, and laughed (quite a lot and loudly, if I might add) and work (including making a living) doesnt seemed to be bitter at all. The positivity doesnt end there. After the working hours ended, traces of that positivity lingered with me via the chatroom on my LINE app/whatsapp and I could end the day by thinking, One day down, one more to go. Aisde from that, I had a few more people who were separated from me but regardless of distance, their warm presence had washed over me and helped me pulled myself together by giving me advices, a listening ear, hugs, massages (and for one person to bite and leave brusies on me!). I couldnt and dont know how to thank you all fully for all that youve done, for dealing with me throughout this journey until I had found a new path. Thank you Fly Fly, Ling Stacey, Golda Banaag and Salina Kutty for dealing with me until the end and making my days more joyous. Thank you Ley Choon Group for allowing me to meet such beautiful people for me to keep in my heart and memories.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 02:38:43 +0000

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