As I was doing my daily devotional the Holy Spirit of God touched - TopicsExpress


As I was doing my daily devotional the Holy Spirit of God touched my heart. I hope this inspires someone today. I had to share.. In Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. -As Christian parents we will make mistakes along the way. No one is perfect but Jesus. It is our responsibilty to take a interest in our child or children. We have an obligation from God to help our children know the Lord. How do we do that? By seeking Gods direction. In my life I havent made every choice correctly. Yes I might have had struggles but thanks to the forgiveness, mercy, and grace I am forgiven and set free. We have a choice to live for Jesus. That is what is so awesome about Jesus. He has a destined plan for all of our lives. I thank my parents for introducing me to Jesus. My family life was up and down and I came from a broken home. But during all that time. God protected me. God lifted me up. Even through we had every thing financially struggles and disfunction was present at times. I am still learning something about myself, my relationship with God. It takes humbleness and a desire to be like Christ. Even if it was the hard way. Yes, our children are going to fall and rise.Jesus is the one to seek wisdom. Two ingrediants: TIME AND DESIRE. God will honor our efforts. He will enable us to know our child or children and our self and bring clarity. No matter what circumstance you may have faced in your past present or even future. God can transform. Prayer is key. Seeking Gods word daily. I am not perfect. I sin but by the grace of God I am forgiven. Yes, I make an effort now to live for Jesus but I am still growing and learning what God wants me to do. Its obediance and a concious effort to love others, self, and Jesus and make a effort to be a blessing. Is every day gonna be easy.... No but in Psalm 46:10 it states to be still and know I am your God. It is not my or anyones job to judge others, condemn, etc. It our job as Christians to be an example to our children, love others, be kind and live for our God sureendering all daily. Its our job to bring praise to Gods holy name. Yes, we may fall and yes it takes a concious effort but remember we have favor. Sometimes the best weapon we have against the enemy is knowing our God loves, encourages, allows things to happen to help us grow. We already have victory! The best aspect of any day is to realizing how blessed we are just to wake up. Its not money, social status, clothes we have on, car we drive, house we live in etc that helps us walk in victory and our children or next generation but knowing that Our God will never forsake us. He has giving us promises for our lives. We are overcomes not by our ways but by Gods.Thank you God that You are the same today, tomorrow and ALWAYS. Lets all continue to be serious about leading our children to the Lord. About learning about Jesus. The good news is that the closer we walk with the Lord the further we walk from our Old self or circumstances. Strength comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus! Yes, praying. Can we do it alone? No but with Jesus all things are possible. read: Philipians 4;13. —
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:54:07 +0000

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